Prot War Nerfs

I’m just shocked at how someone can be so close minded and delusional in thinking they’re in the right when they’re focusing on only one ability comparison without looking at every facet of mitigation/healing/over healing/damage taken and the kit each class has and what their strengths and weaknesses are in comparison.

The fact is this whole thing started because people who do not play Protection Paladin started talking about PALADINS. Maybe you should mind your tongue if you don’t understand what’s going on.

You are not meta simply because of damage.

Did you realize that the numbers I most recently showed you were not from one ability? That’s including all abilities.

And yet you’ve misinterpreted the data and haven’t looked at different areas that effect it.

Cmon mate, it’s the internet I get it and people generally do not ever see the other side of the argument ever because they’re too busy trying to prop up their own point as opposed to being analytical and actually taking in opposing viewpoints from a logical standpoint.

These things never come to a resolution if someone is deluding themselves into thinking they’re correct without taking all variables into consideration that effect it.

You won’t be convinced of people explaining things to you in simple terms because you’re so hyper-focused on being a protector of all things paladin where any mention of it turns you into the spanish inquisition.

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This is a cop out argument. Every single data point shows that Warriors are better at mitigating damage. They are the tankiest tank atm. This isn’t up for debate. The numbers prove it and all you got left are mental gymnastics making excuses.

Because they’re also the worst at self healing.

You’re a lost cause then if you keep self owning yourself with these edits.

When people who don’t understand Paladins and are calling for mitigation nerfs when we are one of the squishies tanks, then yeah. I’m going to say something.

Did you see the numbers? Again, those were OVERALL. Not just one ability.

Imo Blizzard is really stuck on this builder spender premise. If war tanks were topping DPS charts even with DPS players in good gear and skill I’d agree with them having too much rage but I’ve yet to experience that in fact I rarely see ptot warriors so not sure why something not broken needs fixing

Basically speaking, you need all that spending to consistently have procs and abilities ready to use to deal current damage, which isn’t even high compared to other classes (raid or m+ environment). The other problem that is being ignored here by Blizzard is the fact that Colossus is built around builder (SS) and spender (Rev) while Thane is built around two builders (SS/TC) with the help of spender (Rev = SS procs fishing). We will struggle with rage in Colossus if this goes this way. There won’t be enough SS procs, enough rage to cast Rev and we will build our stacks much slower this time. There are zero changes to our damage output or facts that Indomitable gives hp while spending rage, Avatar cd reduction that gives 20% damage, TC reduction and damage AND free TB procs which gives 8% DR… It is like a pyramid scheme, which works perfectly well right now.

As mentioned before - please look at how to improve the gameplay of Colossus by a tiny margin, provide something to the raid/m+ (utility - grip, better CS), reduce 2pointers so we can actually take - Bitter Immunity, Piercing Howl or Berserk Shout, and lastly make Disturbing Shout own button (NOT a talent but baseline). Stop nerfing what does not need a nerf. Be smart and make tanks great again (MoP vibe where you had lots of utility etc).


I disagree with things

Now keep arguing and bumping this thread lol


Hopefully we get an official thread soon so we can condense our great takes into one :smiley: :smiley: