Prot Paladins?

This person claims to also be playing MW in slands and having a blast, but in another thread doesn’t know the best monk anima power that allows MW to be the best spec for monk for clearing chorghast if you can snag it.

I also have a filling they work for blizz because I got a suspension within 30 min of him reporting one of my posts for trolling, where I was just calling him out for being a contrarian poster.

Honestly he is just one of many reasons I have finally canceled my sub.

Ya because I brag about how amazing at the game I am all the time rofl. I’m the first one to admit I’m dog poop nice try haha

On a side note ur stream title says 3x r1 warrior but it’s actually 1x

Lastly, how many prot paladins have gotten r1 since bfa. Only one. Not drainer no one else has achieved r1 as prot paladin. So although I admit I’m not good at this game I’ve achieved something that no one else has done.

It’s harder to play a Prot Pal then a Arms Warrior :rofl:

I mean most Dps are super brain dead. You could literally faint on your keyboard and possibly 1 shot something. While being Tankier then actual Tanks.

Wait… there is a way to ignore posts?

Honestly curious why you think CC immunity while Flag Carrying in competitive modes is ok, is there any other instance where a flag carrier can be Completley CC immune outside of say holy ward (1 charge at that too)

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In a roundabout way, Druid gets an uninhibited run to the enemy flag room 100% of games because of the ability to stealth as a tank. Having a non-druid tank is extremely unfortunate because of how easy they can be slowed down (if not killed outright) before even picking up the enemy flag.

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Unless you have Ballin’s DH on your team, then he runs down the enemy FC, knocks them out of invis and evens the odds. xD

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Ya, Ballin and I are a two-man kill squad for EFCs trying to cross the map lol. Wish I was on to rbg with yall more :frowning:

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Same. I sort of stopped doing them, it’s not much fun unless I know people in the group.

Half the teams I played tonight were Prot/X. I’m sure Stun is an amazing player and it’s very challenging to hit R1 with anything, let alone a non-meta comp, but I’m going to go ahead and hard doubt all these people are playing Prot Pally at sub 2k MMR because it’s a challenge and they’re looking to play the game with a handicap.

Their healing is outrageous to not rely on mana, they can silence from across the map, have great defensives, can break cc multiple ways, ranged interrupts, have an enormous health pool, and do decent damage. At the very least WoG out of Holy spec should be limited to self healing. I know I’m bad at the game compared to most people here, but that’s tilting to deal with over and over again.

Its impossible to have a rational conversation with someone whos so desperate for rating they play with or as a tank.

Stunandbung just says the same generic, intentionally ignorant “defenses” for tanks.

Im one of the few who can say this. Ive played with and as your dumb spec so you can trust me i know how dumb it is.

Its the most baby proof spec that lets you have the reaction time of a brick and still win.

Also this, the reason i say 3x is because i got 3 rank 1s last season. If you want to count it as 3x or 1x thats up to the person i suppose. But i think it doesn’t really matter.


I mean… that is pretty much arms.


Says the broken warrior.

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Now also applies to anyone who defends tanks.

“says the warrior” but completely ignore the part where i say i played tank before. I know how easy it is to play.
What class do i need to main for my opinions to be validated?


Yes. If you click your profile in the top right, there should be 3 tabs. The rightmost tab should have an option at the bottom labelled “preferences” with a cog next to it. Click that and it’ll take you to a new page. There, select the “users” tab under “notifications”, and manually add whichever lvl 10 alts you want to ignore.

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First off the current best Tank Druids have CC immunity while FCing.

Next because Prot is so squishy in stuns and they don’t have the tools of other FCs. When you remove the CC immunity they literally just can’t pick up the flag anymore. They aren’t viable. Because they have to be able to be immune to CC to block and make sure they get Cons up and stand in it before it’s over. When you remove that now they just get CCed trying to carry the flag out of Cons and 1 shot.

I haven’t picked up a flag since they broke the PvP talent and I never will again. Any DPS and pretty much every Tank is better at FCing now then a Prot Pal. You literally removed the only good thing they had and was required for their class to fill that roll.

I was #1 Prot Pal in North America on Ally in RBGs in BFA and #5 overall competing at 2600 MMR. I just don’t do RBGs anymore because I can’t. Prot Pals offer nothing compared to Druids or DH’s. In BFA Druids and DHs were still preferred mind you and I made it work but now? It’s just not even worth Queing. No thanks. Prot Pal is completely worthless and unviable now.

Hopefully I answered your curious Question and that you now understand.

To play devils advocate rationally here. The reason their healing is outrageous is because they are designed to be squishy then they heal the most at low HP. They are literally designed for their HP to be bouncing up and down and are always 1 moment away from being 100-0 in a CC. Which is why it’s exciting and challenging to play Prot competitively. You have to Pre read everything or your dead more than any other class.

On the flip side I absolutely would love a complete redesign of Prot Pal where they don’t rely on taking huge spike dmg and healing it all back. I think any rational person would. I much rather be tankier, have other tools and not be required to do this type of healing.

If someone say 3X Rank 1 it shows that they have played at a high level of competition to achieve the Rank 1 status over multiple seasons. If you get Rank 1 on 3 separate classes then they are 1X Rank 1.

If a person playing a “broken spec” or is really good at a particular class/spec and they play it to Rank 1 on multiple characters or factions, that is not the same as someone playing the class/spec consistently over 2 seasons.

It’s just frustrating to deal with a class that can make more mistakes than you can and recover from it, do pretty good healing on their team without having mana issues, etc. If it was only self healing that would be one thing.

Either or, I usually win against them–I just got on hard tilt last night after getting to 1798 then losing back to 1763 and felt like venting. Lol Tonight’s a new night, hopefully games go more in my favor and I can upgrade some gear.

You just described a Mage, Rogue, Enhancement Shaman and a Feral Druid,