Prot Paladins?

Disagree with attacking players for the spec they like. If you think it’s bad for the game then argue for design change and be unhappy with the developers. Players are just going to make the best out of what they are given. Of course this separate from having an issue with someone’s personal behavior (i.e. having a huge ego) which an overpowered/easy spec may lead to. Not saying that is the case with anyone here, but just mentioning it for completeness.

See this man gets it. Go play one of your three S tier viable specs Numb

Im will, keep running dbl healer… It’s pro tourney ready. I’ll be watching you

u see people have talked about them but blizz continues to ignore the community which is why pvp participation is down by 60% and only going to get worse because this game is terrible


did he bug abuse? Im pretty sure he just played old op steed talent w/ the conduit so it lasted like 9s, no?

It was never supposed to stop all CC, pretty sure it was only like roots and snares, maybe stuns? But you def weren’t supposed to be able to steed polymorphs and fears

They need to buff Prot Pal and several tanks. They are far too squishy. They also should have more tools to protect their team mates. We really need better Tank representation.

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The bug was that Steed was designed only to remove make the target immune to snare and root, but instead made the user immune to any and all crowd controlling effects

Every time you think about playing a tank, there’s an abomb wet whispering in your ear.

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Ret/Dk/rogue/feral/boomkin/arms/BM/mage/ele/enh/ww are all just as toxic as tanks. But keep on hating without any actual opinions or change other than ''LOL PROT IS TOXIX CAUSE OTHER PEOPLE SAY IT IS!" but add no actual insight and don’t even know why it’s toxic for the game other than “it heals a lot!!!”

Give me a break. At least try and make a point.


Hey we are getting Solo Island Expeditions so we have that going for us.

watcha mean?


woah hugeee

It wasn’t a bug though. It worked that way since the introduction of the talent. Used it for years. The problem is the conduit that makes steed last so long so it provided a long CC immunity. They shouldn’t of broke the talent just because of the conduit. Real shame that was such an iconic PvP talent broken now and almost useless.

They need to restore it again to offer CC immunity as intended and it’s really needed. Especially FCing, those days are now long gone.

lmao prot is ez to kill. they fall behind so fast with healing debuff classes

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Idk, in my experience I just train the prot and they just kinda flop after bubble

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Listen bloomsday if you’re gonna post on an alt at least don’t say the exact same dense things as you say on your main

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Getrow and Stunandbung have the most boosted ego from their boosted tank spec.

Mad cringe


Hey all. I hear if you tunnel the prot paladin he will die! Just a heads up! This definitely is true!