Prot Paladins?

I don’t think we’d be comparing apples to apples here if we’re trying to compare WoG to these other things mentioned in your response.

Enhance shamans get 50k healing surges. So yes it apples to apples lol

Just Googled. It’s at a 24% base mana cost. WoG costs zero mana.

So how is that apples to apples?

Unrelated, but did you and dilly ever arrange that bet where you play ret with him and gekz?


It cost 3 Holy power though and requires resource management. It’s not like it’s just always there to use.

Disagree if Prot makes a mistake it’s dead. They aren’t Mages or these other tanky Hybrids that get a free pass. Prot is too squishy to make mistakes which is why they heal based on HP missing. Again I wish they would redesign Prot to be baseline Tanky and have other tools instead of healing back big hits. Prot design is almost like a Blood DK now where they have to heal for massive amounts as their basic rotation.

Pretty much any Dps is tankier than a Prot Pal so they have to heal for a massive amount just to stay up. Don’t think anyone likes it. I’d love to be as Tanky as some of these Dps.

I thought about switching from Prot Pal to Necro Triune Mage just to experience what a Tank feels like again. However who would want to get an Alt in this mess.

such a weird thing to go after tho
Like who cares what i put in my stream title??
Its not like im lying lmao

Guardian druids get 30 full seconds of CC immunity when playing the incarnation legendary

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Dam it’s 30 secs and they are by far the best FC Tanks. Yikes. Yea you basically can’t RBG as a tank unless you are a druid these days. Even DH doesn’t compare.

Buff Prot Pal and give them CC immunity again so they can be viable. Also buff Prot War those poor guys need love.

Ok but what about 1min Convoke Ferals?

Maim into Convoke and something will die. Any issue there or just need to git gud?

Your judgement is clouded by your own bias. U absolutely hate me but don’t even know me. We’ve said a few words to each other and qued some twos and actually had fun.

You hate me as a person for a spec that I play. You make up insults like I have a giant ego and am desperate for rating because you don’t like the spec I play. It just shows your maturity level.

Every single warrior I q with will absolutely agree that prot pal/war takes much more skill and is harder to climb with then ret war. Your complaining about prot paladin in 3s. You should look at your own comp, you literally can w key at anyone you want and win the game. U don’t need to cross cc and u can overlap every defensive in the game and just one shot someone.

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I have messed around with Protection Paladin and enjoy it. It is in a better spot than Holy currently.

There are a lot of replies stating things that aren’t true. Protection Paladin is decent, but there are classes such as feral druids who can do 1 million damage and 800k healing while I would do 600k damage and 700k healing. There are many classes that have VERY high offense and defense right now.

Most dps specs currently have a near one shot mechanic that can win the game if you mess up. Protection Paladin can be killed in a stun and are especially vulnerable to magic damage if they are stunned or have used their magic BOP.

Tanks should have good utility in pvp which Prot does. Damage is mediocre and defense is similar if played well to most normal DPS specs.

Despite what most vocal players here say, it is allowed to play something one likes. Protection pvp has been around the whole time and yes, it can be annoying to face, but Shadowlands has MANY classes and specs that are way more difficult to face right now.

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thats cuz u q with bad warriors

Nobody good wants to play with u
does that mean youre good? Nope, just shows how tank spec can carry an entire team by default. Even the one playing the tank.

A good Warrior can carry an entire team as well. Just saying…

Exactly, a good warrior.

A bad tank can carry a bad team because the spec is easier to play than a bm hunter in 2s.

Come on. BM is easy mode and does insane damage. Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot, win. They don’t even press Kill Command now…

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Also, not true about the bad tank. There are so few capable tanks (and most love that lol) and most Warriors are Condemn bots and can win with big crits. Not hard to play that. Same with spear and team coordination.

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I barely even see prot pallies. It’s not like some FOTM that’s so broken it’s taking over the game. Furthermore, I doubt I would raise my rating any higher by playing prot pally. It’s just a spec that people like to hate on.

I wasn’t going after you, I was pointing out the difference. Nowhere in my post was I derogatory to you or put you down in any way.

No one. I am sure your viewers do not mind.

Lying? Maybe not.
Misleading? Possibly.

There are only two possible positions for tanks in PvP: completely unviable or laughably easy.

Any other possibility would make the universe explode and then we wouldn’t be here to talk about it.

well did he?