Prot Paladins?

Why is no one talking about prot paladins? They have 2x guardian, bubble, bop, and endless healing. 26k word of glorys in arena, judgement that dispells his whole team, a stun, and a ranged silence, and a interupt, and decent damage. Why has the healing not been nerfed? they heal more than healing classes

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People do talk about them. A lot. lol


They definitely need toned down or removed from arenas


Don’t forget the auto proc guardian every 45 sec.

Such a good design.

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What are you wanting to discuss about them?

They can be CCed and instantly removed from them.

Every Paladin spec has this?

Again, every paladin spec has this?

Technically every class has “endless healing”.

Only on a single target that is low HP, and requires 3 holy power.

This takes a PvP talent.

Every paladin spec has the stun. The silence is a PvP talent.

I think other tanks do more damage…

Because it doesn’t need it?

If you are getting out healed by a prot paladin, then maybe you are doing something wrong?


The only real problem with prot paladins in my opinion is the fact that they can queue with a healer


Have you even played the game lately? Do you even do arenas? Have you even been over 1200 rating? your just a troll honestly


I play it all the time! I love this game and so far Shadowlands PvP is my favorite!

A lot! I do arenas every day!

Yes, I have. I have multiple gladiator titles, including last seasons!

How so?

Dont engage him

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commenting from a lvl 10, ya i bet youve been glad, lmfao

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Do not respond. Profile Settings Ignore. Not worth the time.


Not sure what my rating, experience or what level the toon I’m posting on has anything to do with the topic?

Are we going to discuss protection paladins or are we here to harass me?

Because if you have no experience how can you defend whether or not a class is overtuned it arena, which clearly by your statements, youre way under experienced in high rated arenas.

What are you going to say when Stunandbung comes in here and slaps downs his opinion?

Also take a moment to review the forums, there are plenty of discussion and multiple threads about Prot Pally’s, Tanks, WW Monks, Warriors, Melee in General, Convoke, Mages, Locks, BM Hunters, Leggos, etc. Maybe educate yourself just a little before advising others to educate themselves. The same discussion happens in every thread.

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I’m saying I do, but again, it is still irrelevant to the entire topic. You listed stuff, now explain why they are broken. Tell Blizzard how to fix it, what can be changed, etc.

They take 50% increases damage. They are the squishiest spec in the game. Guardian bop and bubble can all be mass dispelled, guardian can instantly be ccd by any micro cc which each class has multiple of.

I think what’s even funnier is enhance shamans are out healing prots and doing 4x the damage.

Playing prot paladin takes more skill because you have to survive one shot burst damage every 30 seconds from every class lol

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I’ll give u 10 million gold if U can play a prot and get over 2100 cr


You could give me every piece of gold in WoW and i wouldn’t play a tank spec. It’s toxic and has no place in arenas.
Hey, whatever happened to u trying to climb as ret when you said ret was solid or busted?


That’s what they all say lmao! Literally zero understanding of how the spec works but complains about it.

I don’t want to play ret because it’s super fotm and would make this game too easy and I would lose interest fast.