Prot Paladins?

That’s why you play double healer? Because you’re not good enough or know how to play the spec properly with 2 other dps. Like the actual only good prot pally, drainer

Wait, can I do this? And are there stipulations?

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U mean the currently hard stuck 2500 prot, who refuses to play it because it’s so bad right now, who bug abused steed?

Oh did I mention he plays double healer dps now too lol!

You literally have no right to say I believe wow should only be 2 dps 1 healer. Tanks have have always been apart of wow pvp.

You’re playing with a healer as prot. That’s a joke. He played it in the tourney and did really good as prot with double dps… You go ahead and try that.
I’m sure you won’t. Drainer is 100xs above your level as a player. As prot, as ret, as holy.

my initial thought was if a 2100 boost costs less than 10 million, I could make a lot of gold with that wager. Lol

He bug abused steed lmao now he can’t even get close to doing what he did. Drainer is 10000x a better player lol this game is his livelihood where as this game I play for fun when I’m bored lol

ROFL playing for fun and as a tank in arena doesn’t go together. It’s toxic.
But again, PLAY IT WITH 2 other dps. Quit running double healer comp.

Nope I’m gonna play the game how I enjoy to play it. We are both paying the same fee to play the same game. Ur opinion literally means nothing we have equal value in what we think

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My contribution to the discussion because I am trying to help make everyone better.

This forum needs to learn a new word but at least it isn’t cringe or triggered.

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When you can play it without a healer then you might have something but if you’re running dbl heals then theres nothing to talk about…Playing a toxic comp

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I’ve played it to 3k without a healer I had like a 80% win loss. Didnt enjoy it. Stop trying so hard

Also ur like a 1600 cr player I suggest you give advice to the battleground or skirmish forums where ur opinions hold more weight

this dude is sitting in flarks lap rn

reading is hard for you. Stay carried by spec. I guess dilly was right. Ret to hard for you.

Oh look, its the 2nd healer in your comp… Cute :wink:

baby needs his bottle

Calm down sidekick.

are you saying bung is actually a super hero? that makes you his number #1 fan

Naw don’t worry we got the entire discord laughing at u

Stop being a bully take a chill pill and just have fun with the game my dude. Stop worrying so much about what other people are doing

calm down, your healer is there to help you heal. You will be okay.

Lol you actually think i care about your discord? rofl

Mostly I am there for emotional support. Will you be okay? I can get you a bottle or something if you are done being so fussy. Or are you going to keep making more forum threads to cry on?

No, you definitely keep me laughing. You’re doing your job.