Pros and cons of Lost Ark

You never played an ARPG before? Diablo uses the same movement lol.

You donā€™t have to say goodbye. You can just play that for awhile. MMOs, like everything, run dry after awhile.
Eventually Lost Ark will too and when that happens, you can always come back so itā€™s not goodbye, itā€™s more of a see you later maybe.

As for what I found annoying about Lost Ark. Itā€™s a small thing to some but big to me and I havenā€™t played the game, probably wonā€™t because of this but itā€™s the high heels.

The female characters wear high heels. They dress like ladies of the evening, if you catch what Iā€™m saying. Consorts.

To me, that is stupid in a game where there is fighting. Just so very stupid.
I am wondering if they have purses. They probably do.

Anyway, dumb stuff like that breaks immersion for me. But thatā€™s me.
Have fun with your new adventure.


That would be a really big issue for me, too.

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They want company, people to follow them. No one wants to be alone, even in a game with a bunch of people already.

Then thereā€™s sales.

The siege of Luterra castle is amazing lol. I wish there was something in WoW that epic. Undercity should have been like that.


Also side topic: Wolcen > Lost ark. FIGHT ME :stuck_out_tongue: lol (and no! i am not saying you canā€™t enjoy both, just my personal view I can and will enjoy more then one game as mentioned above)

Game is massively overhyped. It has its pros but mostly a snoozefest. The UI and systems, ugh.


I wish the story was actually interesting or good. The gameplay loop can only carry you so far during leveling (Im not even going to try the grindy aspect of it).

Fun timewaster ā€“ outside of that, its really nothing to write home about.


Apparently not. Iā€™ve played EverQuest and WoW, with adding in Lord of the Rings Online when EQ was down for several weeks due to their security breach years ago.

No arrow keys, no WASD for movement, no left/right mouse movementā€¦ click on the screen and moveā€¦ it was bleh. :face_vomiting:

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In same boat hate way you moveā€¦I am so use to mouse controlled movement anymore nowā€¦


If Blizzard changed the movement to how it is in WoW for both Diablo & Starcraft, Iā€™d play those.
As it is, Iā€™ve never played them. Tried once, canā€™t stand how you move.

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How the hell would that even work? Starcraft is literally an entirely different genre which needs unit selection and movement (which WoW doesnt do).


Itā€™s hella weird to me that weird gender roles are a cultural norm in any society that has schools, how odd.

Just stuffed my face full of delicious rice and pulled pork with veggies.

I usually have chicken for lunch but today pulled pork did me good.

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I disagree. They talk too much and it goes on for too long imo.

Iā€™m not sure what you mean but from what I understand, players have always been able to choose between male and female characters.

I donā€™t think either are locked at the beginning but I could be wrong as I havenā€™t played it.

I disagree, itā€™s epic.

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Thats what I mean, apparently some classes are gender locked.

YOoooo I just learned something about Lost Ark :laughing:

Itā€™s freaking click to move

:skull: :-1:

Might not be a con for you guys but for me :laughing: no way jose

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