Pros and cons of Lost Ark

Hello everyone, by now you have probably heard of the new MMO Lost Ark.
As someone that has over 11,000 hours into World of Warcraft I wanted to give my perspective and to say goodbye and yes anyone on Zangarmarsh can have my stuff

So first the cons, because I know some of you will never leave this game and kudos to you.

  1. time investment into WoW characters. I feel you, I have 10 max level characters and it’s very hard saying goodbye for good but it’s time
  2. All the lost ark characters are human, I will miss my cows and goblins
  3. Some classes are gender locked, yah weird right, its 2022
  4. the combat is a lot like Diablo with a few more abilities but the look and feel is similar
  5. There is no grinding on mobs for XP, each kill only gives 2 XP so you either do a quest or maybe go for an item drop but you wont level up while doing it
  6. There are no pet battles, there are pets, they dont battle, some may see this as a positive
  7. There is a huge learning curve of all the systems, its massive, layer upon layer

Now the pros for anyone on the fence

  1. the world is massive, at least as big as WoW in terms of zones, dozens of little islands all over
  2. There is sailing, instead of just taking a 1 minute boat ride you sail there
  3. There is personal housing, you get a stronghold that actually feels like a home
  4. Combat is really fun, but very AOE heavy
  5. Everything is solable, even raids with appropriate gear
  6. It is very alt encouraged, in fact you level up a “roster” and those perks apply to all your characters
  7. There is an amazing amount of depth, tons of systems so it always feels like you are progressing at something with fun rewards
  8. Fast travel is fast, no flight paths you just teleport
  9. It’s really BEAUTIFUL, the zones are amazing and unique
  10. and the #1 overall best thing, ITS FREE, no monthly sub and before you say “is it pay to win?” no, it just makes some things more convienient, its similar to SWTOR with our without the sub

That’s about it, I just wanted to give my perspective from someone that is saying goodbye to a game I played since launch


No one asked for pros and cons of a different game.
And cya, hope you enjoy said other game.


Lost ark currently at 1,200,000 concurrent users on steam :tada:

Also re gender locks: they’re working at getting rid of them. No timeframe but the devs have acknowledged that they know it’s not a popular thing in NA. I think female berserker is the first one they’re doing?

They’re supposedly adding all 7 specializations we don’t have on our live version in the next couple of months but that you can play on korean servers. So expect new specs really soon :smiley:


Yeah, the little I played of it…no thanks. It was a mess, and they have weirder stuff than some of the weird stuff I’ve seen in FFXIV. Games with people riding around on colorful pinata mounts just aren’t for me.


Ah yes, because a wow tauren in a murloc onesies on a flying chesshire cat huge headed sunwarmed feline mount is prime immersion :joy:


Ah yes, cause one equals the other for personal preference :roll_eyes:

This and the setting being standard European fantasy kind of was a deal breaker for me. And I know those are nitpicky, but there was really just nothing that stood out as interesting or exciting on a visual standpoint.

But I do hope it’s good after New World kind of crashed.

Also gender locking classes is…not good from the start. I’m happy to hear that they’re looking to fix it, but yikes that is not a good start in a game in 2022.

i’ve played multiple times as an orc with fairy wings riding a glowing frog tanking dungeons with a frying pan and a princess hat on so i dont think this really applies to wow in 2022 anymore


Glad you are having fun. I’ve been having a blast myself.

Lost Ark doesn’t replace WoW for me personally. It has a lot of systems that will lead into P2W eventually, if not already. If you don’t see this I feel sorry for you.

Combat, dungeons, and that new MMO rush is a blast tho. I really wouldn’t give away your stuff WoW… sounds silly.


You sound edgy irl. Are you mysterious too?


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So far I have to say Lost Ark is amazing. It is exactly what I hoped New World would have been. I definitely will be putting strong hours on it.

It is a fantastic thing to have successful MMOs aside from WoW, the genre and all games in it benefit from it.

I hope it genuinely makes WoW reconsider how they develop.

The game is more competing with Diablo than WoW but still, it really fun and entertaining.

Pay for convenience is not the same as pay to win. There are very little “p2W” features on PvE, and NONE for PvP since all gears and stats are equalized. We will see if it remains the same of course, but as far as P2W, it is extremely minimal to the point that people won’t feel left out because of it.


Well I dont raid, or plan on doing high level content, so there is no “win” part of that for me, I am having a blast completing the Adventure Tomes

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Imagine thinking lost ark is better than WoW. Like it’s a good game to play on the side or if you’re bored of WoW, but calling it better is just laughable to me

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sure but calling pizza better than tacos is also laughable, the word “better” is personal preference


I’m really enjoying the game, especially the pvp but I agree the mounts are absolute trash.

Its a hard thing for old wow lifers to come to terms with the fact that wow is just not what it used to be. It is what it is.

I’ll never quit wow, but I can clearly see a great fun game that will definitely pull people in, maybe permanently.

You know how sad it is, that 9.2 has absolutely nothing “exciting” about it?


I say you should keep your WoW account and not quit after playing lost ark for only a day. I’m quitting ff14 to play lost ark since I didn’t want to play 3 MMO’s at one time.

I’m open to renewing ff14 once I get bored of lost ark though

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  • Very responsive.

  • leveling is pretty straight forward and you don’t need 300 guides for it. Leveling isn’t too fast and it is not too long, it is just right.

  • All ability’s animation is excellent, they are visually amazing and the sound is superb.

  • Lore is decent, bit predictable but it is not bad.

  • I have only seen one dungeon(something ruins) and it was amazing. The design, the trash mob, the mini bosses, and the final boss were all pretty good. Nice visual, good music, nice tempo, fight required decent mechanics( which is good since I’m a noob)and there was no one shot “screw you in particular” boss ability. It was multi-phased fight with different “atmosphere” and different mechanics, lastly…the loot was good.


  • Some ability animation take 3 billions years to finish and I don’t know how to animation cancel yet.

  • Combat skill seems like it will take a while to figure out and get use to it.

  • I can’t zoom out far enough.

  • Not enough keybinding. Or maybe it has and I just don’t know it yet because I’m noob.


I just watched a 10.0 wow video.

Stormwind and Elwyn Forest completely revamped so amazingly!

and playable Murlocs! a Murloc rogue !

I can’t wait!

oops, guess that was a private server…

how come they do all the cool things and we get…systems.


Pros: if you like being forced to play as an unrealistic, objectified cat girl, this game is for you!

That’s right, if you want to be certain classes, you HAVE to be a female.

Also, the targeting and movement are weird. You have to click to a spot on the map to move.