Props to Liquid

Limit couldn’t even get to P4 consistently, they were never killing it before Echo no matter the circumstances.


The link is irrelevant. The point is paladin DI was the cause and is part of why it was removed from the game.

Meanwhile in the actual RWF…

The players, teams, and GMs are congratulating Echo and each other for a good race, and acting like adults. The people actually in the race are less angry about it than you guys. lol

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Did Limit ever get a 5-6% hp wipe or better? If the answer is yes, then they would have.

If they goofed, it still went live, and the guild used it to their advantage. This is like when people find a way to down a boss easy in Elden Ring and people argue it’s an exploit. Unless the devs say so, the gamers just outsmarted the game. Plain and simple. They deserve the win.

Except DI’d players got booted from the room. You conveniently forgot to mention where someone tested that theory and it was confirmed to not work.

Blizzard designs mythic raids so diverse class mechanics are more necessary. They mentioned they can do this by makibg it 20 man.

Im not sure if MS on arms is better then just use a hunter pet with the same effect. But the mechanic was healing based and plenty of classes reduce healibg done. Hunter pets have this debuff which is nice to use in some dungeons as well.


Honestly it was simply a case of Echo playing better - that’s all. Claiming that Mortal Strike is an “exploit” is kind of a stretch, that’s some grasping-at-straws stuff right there :joy:

Liquid was really slacking the past few days or so, Friday (yesterday) was sooooo piss-poor bad for them with 0 progress after an entire day of attempts… and I say that as someone that was rooting for Liquid/team USA :expressionless:

Not only did Echo take fewer attempts to get to a kill, they were way more consistent as well. They got to phase 4 over and over and over and over (…you know, actual progression), while Liquid was “spinning its wheels” with hours of unproductive P1/P2 wipes and early deaths.


Healing reduction doesn’t stack. If anyone else applies it over the warrior it would overwrite it and lower the reduction since MS is the biggest.

That is why I was saying I wasnt sure if arms had a stronger effect. So in that fight it is best to bring an arms warrior.

Blizz said they would design this ecpansion with bring the class not the player. This is an example of that in motion.

Okay, so you clearly don’t know jack. The lowest one wouldn’t apply over MS. It prioritizes the more effective one. It’s been this way for a long time.

Doesn’t work that way in PvP. It’s last applied.

Wow you really don’t know what you’re talking about aren’t you?

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MS affects have never been a thing in a raid situation, so bite me. Rogues don’t use wound poison for pve and felguards are just a small 20%

Must be a really new change because I know for a fact in both PvE and PvP this isn’t the case, the stronger debuff stays and the secondary has no effect. I.E in TBC with Expose Armor. It’s stronger than sunder if specced into it, sunder can still happen but doesn’t stack. Only Expose gets it. It was a change from Vanilla where doing this outright prevented the warrior from using Sunder and it was their highest threat generation ability.

PvP is the same. If a mage frostbolts someone, and I crippling poison them, they’re slowed by Crippling. Frostbolt debuff exists, but is useless because Crippling is 20% stronger of a slow.

In mythic plus its a viable option if there are healing mechanics. Just takes a second to swap to do that. For a pull or two then swap back.

I mean it’s definitely impressive to see how long they held out. Liquid/Limit is definitely a WF worthy guild. I think their setback is having to deal with bugs and essentially learning the fights so that other teams can come behind them with a better strat. While Echo has to deal being a day behind and essentially those same bugs if they haven’t been fixed by Blizz yet.

If anyone were to ask me, I think Blizz makes these fights WAAAAAAAY too complicated. The amount of WAs needed just to get through these encounters just seems ridiculous to me. And just for the record I’ve AT LEAST Mythic Raided back in Legion and even then I have the same thoughts.

Did you just speak for 330 million people?

Seems arrogant.

Tell that to the guild that got hit for Saronite Bombs in heroic LK. Blizzard used to have backbone and didn’t play favorites with content creators or ‘big guilds/orgs’.

That was over a decade ago right???

Many more recent examples are counterpoints to this incident from WOTLK