Props to Liquid

As an Australian who lives in Australia with Australian friends I can tell you most love it. Also people complaining about Aussie healthcare is rare. And that whole wildlife can kill you thing is a myth and a joke.

You’re just missing the point, no country would ever worshipped a flag, it’s just respecting what it represents. Similar to how people would be angry if you spit on their dead mom’s picture, it’s just a picture.

Often lost in all this is how truly talented these individuals are, not just the top two guilds but on down the list.

When echo was solo tanking a side of Sylvanas they changed it mid pull so that they couldnt kill the boss in an unintended way.
Bliz despawned Nzoth when limit was doing some secret phase skip shenanigans

If it was unintentional then bliz would have done something


Didn’t lower HP but trivialized the fight, winner for that by a mile is Cheat Death.

Paladins used to be able to just completely skip Razorgore as a fight by using DI on someone when they killed the boss because it technically died and wasn’t a wipe.

Death Knights demolished Sinestra with Dark Simulacrum where they were doing millions of damage in Cata within seconds.

Nefarian Heroic was destroyed by a glyph for Feral druids giving them much more damage than they should have had which cheesed that fight.

Atramedes it was common for a lot of guilds to just pull into the hallway because the sound rings wouldn’t go in there and just made him a target dummy.

Firelands Heroic had a bug with hunter pet tanking where with a hunter pet tanking Majordomo his swipes in Scorpion didn’t hit the pet so there was just no raid damage that entire fight. . .

Do I need to keep going?


There was a very noticeable dip in pull quality once Liquid started losing raiders (3-4 during the more recent bosses?) to real-life obligations/having to go back to real-life jobs. They started “subbing” in bench players/re-progging the fights from scratch and it was all downhill from there :laughing:

Meanwhile, I think Echo only lost like 1 raider thru the whole thing? So they basically had the same team from start to finish - which is important for group synergy considering just how difficult/tightly tuned the bosses were this time around.

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Most of those are either unintended or as I said, raid utility. You’re skipping around the question. Paladins are notorious for raid utility to ignore certain mechanics, so much so people lost world first titles for it in the past(Yogg).

Fact is, this has never been a thing ever and if there’s ever a patch for it after the first 10 or so kills I’ll be back with an “I told you so”.

DKs completely trivialized mechanics on both Xhul’horac and Mannoroth, causing more funnel from adds, which allowed Sub Rogues/Enhancement Shamans with Ring+Soul Capacitor to completely delete bosses’ HP.

Mythic Kil’jaeden was made much, much easier by Gorefiend’s Grasp as well by virtue of letting you basically skip the entire intermission phase.

If you included an SPriest on Xavius, the boss proceeded to die.

All of these are roundabout ways by which the boss just proceeds to die faster. Mortal Strike/the Felguard debuff are just more direct means to the exact same end.

Ok so bubble cheese is utility and Mortal strike is not?


So why didn’t Limit use the same strat then?

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They would of killed it a few days earlier if they knew about it.

Were they consistently getting to phase 3?

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Lol, done arguing with people who’ve never raided a day in their life. Using raid utility with proper timing is always a part of raiding. Applying a 100% uptime debuff as a random spec should never delete 6% of a bosses HP. It’s clearly unintended.

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Scientists are still trying to invent a number to describe how little I care about RWF.

In my opinion, mythic should be removed from wow as it only applies to less than 1% of the playerbase and e-sport stuff is what restricts wow from being the best game possible.

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You think they were not watching?
In 9.1 they made changes mid pull so that echo couldnt send just a bdk to tank a side in p2.
in 8.3 they despawned nzoth mid pull so that limit (now liquid) didnt kill the boss the “wrong” way.

If they didnt like the mortal strike they would have done the same thing. Maybe they will change their mind in the future maybe they wont but its not like they were not watching it happen.

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You prob don’t know Monk and DH exists, since they don’t exist in BC.

Cope harder.

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Except I’m not. You chose to give it specific qualifiers, I answered you with points in time that similar was done because these all effectively lead to trivializing a fight. You’re more fixating on the exact way it’s done because it’s a narrow field. This doesn’t make your point stand, you’re just being obtuse.

Yogg wasn’t a case with Paladins. Yogg was a case of Warlocks and their drain soul hitting like a train in execute phase while also being able to start it, then look away from the boss to not lose sanity because that was the kicker for people, you couldn’t do enough damage to not have the whole raid lose sanity to beat the enrage without it for a while.

So I take it you’re going to ignore the tauren boss in Dragon Soul then since if you put a mortal strike, or wound poison on him before he sapped the dragon’s HP, he didn’t get nearly as much back, but the dragon took the full damage. This was a popular strat for guilds at the time because it just trivialized the fight before Blizzard decided to fix it an entire two months later.

Go for it, as is your right. Frankly, I want them to do just this because it’ll piss everyone off and lead to a huge disaster for the company.

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You mention the Dragonsoul boss and in the same paragraph mention it was “fixed”, how odd. Almost as if, that’s right, it’s not intended.

Did you even read your own link? That’s people speculating if that’s what happened or not. A guy literally 3 posts in mentions the dude is wrong because DI’d players get booted from brain room.

The exploit you’re thinking of is ressing and using Righteous Fury then spam healing a player who died inside for threat. The logistics of overtaking your main tank after you just died. . .

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