Props to Liquid

You think Aussies care about the queen? HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Mythic Blast Furnace was literally unkillable without Priests for Mind Control.

Mythic Sire Denathrius was borderline impossible without a Warlock for Demonic Gateway.

I’m not sure how requiring specific buffs/debuffs on a Mythic fight is particularly outlandish or unusual.

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Yep, just look up the flag pole. You can’t let go.

What is unfair exactly? Players figured something out, if Blizzard changes it, they’ll cause a PR nightmare. If they revoke the kill, PR nightmare. Literally best to just say it was intended. That would be fair. Ingenuity winning.

Until Blizzard calls it an exploit, it isn’t one as far as many are concerned. Also these are immensely different. Using an ability to mitigate a heal which has been its purpose SINCE THE GAME LAUNCHED isn’t an exploit, Blizzard is just inept and decided to use a cheap way to make something happen, which should tell you the quality of the coding of this game and its developers by the way.

That is MUCH different from focus shadowstep macros letting you shadowstep across all of WSG like in TBC where that was a clear exploit.

It’s outlandish because the NA team didn’t think about it, therefore it’s wrong and bugged and exploiting.

Raid utility is different than a instant 6% boss health reduction. You’re fried my guy.

Yeah that’s not how competition work.

Limit lost, and it’s fine to lose, they lose in both number of attempts and strats, stop pretending that losing is winning.

Unlike America we don’t consider an inanimate object like a flag more sacred than life itself.

I mean, they probably were coddled by the Every Child Gets a Trophy generational mindset.


You seem triggered, do you need a lozenge? You have lots of great stuff…kangaroos…dirt

Oh Russell Crowe, he is awesome. I’ll give you that.

Why not? We had stuff before in mythic that required a spec/class to do the boss, it wouldnt be anything new.

Is using mass dispell or mind control also an exploit?

True, even Max admitted that their morale is down after they’re playing from behind once Echo surpassed them in Lord of Dreads.

In every boss Echo has way less pull than Limit, which is prob why their player know they won’t be able to catch up anymore.

Healthcare, low unemployment, no gun violence, low coveid death rate, great beaches. Mate we are living the dream.

We don’t here either. It’s technically a federal offense but it’s seldom ever enforced. We had lots of “fiery but mostly peaceful protests” two years ago where flags were burned constantly and nothing was done.

Our problem is more we have a very loose set of laws where the enforcement varies based on factors rather than being strict like laws should. FFS a guy that faked an assault, lied about it, and was mainstream news for a while as if he was telling the truth and he only got 150 days in prison, despite being the catalyst for numerous laws being proposed and forced through legislation. You can do a lot less and get a lot more time than literally faking a hate crime.

Hell even just with flags, burn an American flag, eh nothing will really be done. Burn a rainbow flag though and you’ll be in the slammer.


Having a Mage, Warrior, Monk, and Demon Hunter functionally shaves 5% off any boss’s max HP.

I repeat: Mythic Blast Furnace was literally unkillable without Mind Control. As in, the boss didn’t lose ANY health if you did not have a Priest.

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This …$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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All right I’m done, good night

I know. I progged that fight on mythic, but that’s still in no where the same ball park. Mention any fight (in wows entire history) where a single specs unique passive lowered a bosses HP instantly in arguably it’s hardest phase by massive margins.

I’ll wait.

Which from friends of mine I raided with that were Australian say sucks.

Possible, I mean we also had low unemployment until a bunch of power hungry lunatic governors shut down the states and bricked our economy. All while ignoring their own lockdown measures. I.E Cuomo and Whitmer.

If you’re talking in raw numbers, we have far more people. Is this adjusted per capita? Are you taking into account the biggest comorbidity of Covid was people who were obese? We have a lot of that here that definitely helped that number.

As do we, but a dingo won’t run away with your kid if you look away for 3 seconds.

Doesn’t seem like it to me but it’s hit or miss I guess. Most Aussies I see hate it because of lag, wildlife being extremely dangerous, risk of dying because of a brown snake in your yard or one of the eight million types of spiders, dingos. . .