Props to Liquid

I’d wager it was unintended and my gut reaction would be not to do it if I discovered it. 6% boss HP is a boatload to circumvent. But echo and liquid and all other top guilds know that when they discover this kind of thing if they can’t get an answer or it is isn’t immediately obvious that it’s an exploit…do it and ask for forgiveness later.

Historically Blizzard is pretty conservative with class utility like this. It usually revolves around abilities themselves rather than being able to impact a phase transition.

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i hear even some of the NPCs are quitting…

You’re probably right.

Exactly my train of thought.

Now Echo exploited. Delusional.

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The boss heals.

Mortal Strike reduces the healing a target takes.

The boss is the target of Mortal Strike.

The boss gets reduced healing while affected by Mortal Strike.

Not sure how this is a bug.


If Blizzard failed to hotfix the issue when it was first found, Echo cannot be blamed for using it to their advantage.


I didnt even know MS worked on bosses

Fights are tightly tuned. Oh ya man, arms warrior? You skip 10 million HP instantly. Totally intentional by Blizzard. They’re honestly playing 4D chess and just thirty light years above me.

They hotfixed in a bug when they were trying to fix a different bug.

I mean, you can’t even understand a basic concept like “If you don’t want this to happen, don’t program it as a heal where it’s then checked by healing debuffs” so that really isn’t a hard. A six year old meets that condition.

It is, they even planned on it since Beta,Blizzard,remain%20the%20same%20against%20players.&text=Warrior%2C%20Hunter%2C%20Monk-,Mortal%20Wounds%20now%20reduces%20healing%20taken%20by,(25%25%20against%20players).


Or they goofed, like they always do. It doesn’t surprise me really. The race doesn’t affect me at all. I’m still getting my US 100 and mount and waiting for the next gear grind reset.

I just think it was a bs way for Echo to win, but to each their own.

Hey no worries, just noticing the entire EU doesn’t speak German. You’re welcome

Echo > Limit

It’s pretty cut and dried.

So players to you need to tiptoe around things that are up in the air of whether allowed or not, or assume what’s a bug and isn’t because Blizzard is inept.

I mean not many people playing the game anymore. Fortunately this game is not too terribly demanding mentally that you can see that at least since you don’t strike me as anything above a C gets degree.

I guess they know their limits

But I certainly wouldn’t call them winners

Doubtful they will even be number 2

Shout out to me I guess

I realize I don’t have the time to raid pretty much at all.
I’m planting my spring garden.
Guess I won too……….

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Good for you mate I’m Aussie. Why you getting to triggered though? No one brought up speaking German or war or anything of the sort. We talking about WoW.

No. I just want Blizzard to be fair. If this is allowed all exploits should be. Blizzard never picks a side when moneys involved. Also, bet this will be fixed by the time my guild gets to it.

You seem triggered. How’s your queen these days?