Props to Liquid

So on mythic when the Jailer hits 10% hp he heals back up to 24.5% hp and starts the final phase. If he’s affected by Mortal Strike when this happens he only heals to 19% hp. Echo had one arms warrior to do this bug and got the kill a few pulls later. Limit was running 3 fury warriors the entire time until they stopped.

Hmmmm…interesting. Ty for the explanation

Are we sure that this is even an exploit?

Perhaps someday the EU will actually make its town game. I think they stopped innovating 75 years ago though.

Mortal Strike is a bug now?


I highly doubt a MS affect is intended to affect a bosses main mechanic and cut his transition HP. It’s very clearly a bug.

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That’s not a bug, Diverted Life Force healed the Jailer, and Mortal Strike reduce healing done.

Wow you learn something new everyday.


The only one who can say either way is blizzard. Anything from anyone else in this or any thread is just speculation.

I don’t consider them the winners. They lost.

What’s more important is recognizing that losing is OK, and that when you’re miserable doing something (Even if it’s just playing a game), you should probably find a way to stop doing that thing.


Yeah, but that’s never worked for any boss ever before, and that’s a huge chunk of HP.

Why are you so triggered mate it’s just a game. And you would think as it’s an NA game they would actually be good at it :rofl:


The boss goes into a secret phase and heals, Mortal Strike mitigates this because it mitigates healing, just as it has in the past and on the fights similar to this. People are screaming it’s an exploit when I guarantee you Blizzard has no idea how to weigh in on this.

In all likelihood, they shouldn’t bother and probably won’t. The raid itself as a race was already met with a lot of sour moods, Echo themselves admitted they were on the verge of quitting because it was getting to them until they started overtaking Limit on bosses then their morale shot up. Limit had a lot of unexpected IRL stuff happen because of how long the raid went. Neither guild was actually happy with the raid for most of it.

Taking away the World First kill because of this first off all is going to anger a lot of people and start a very large argument on Blizzard’s ineptitude to test these things and fix them, it was the same case with Ensidia. Nobody tested the Lich King, the developers clearly didn’t use Saronite Bombs which would be acceptable if it wasn’t also a staple of almost every melee rotation during Wrath, especially for rogues when they bottomed energy. So the raiders had no idea whether the platform was supposed to respawn or not and assumed it was part of the fight.

Also doing that would basically undermine the integrity of the entire race because what’s the point of having the race when now people can’t even be sure what’s allowed and not allowed on fights solely due to Blizzard’s incompetence at testing the fights they design? Obviously if Blizzard had said “Hey, no, this is a bug, don’t do it” then they wouldn’t have. They were doing it for hours. Blizzard having no reaction while they are closely watching the race to document needed adjustments implies that it’s okay. If they retroactively said it wasn’t then yeah, you’ll see a very bad time and the RWF probably won’t be a thing anymore following which means the game will go into maintenance mode. They rely too much on RWF for free advertising for raids.


Bet Echo wouldn’t stand a chance against Liquid in Madden 22

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Ya cause MS affects in the past in raids have cut boss times down by almost two minutes. Anyone who thinks this isn’t a bug is delusional at best.

Here’s the thing. If it wasn’t intended, they wouldn’t have marked it as a heal. They have in the past had coding to outright set a boss to a specific HP value where it wasn’t counted as a heal. This was clearly coded as a heal.


Take a look at the next patch.

They’ve now turned M+ seasons into raid seasons.

The game is absolutely already in maintenance mode.

Yeah but when I mention that, WoWbucks start kicking and screaming and trying to tell me this game still has 3 million or more subscribers and is at its peak when it’s already dead.

It’s tragic. As I said before, watching this unfold to me is like the scene from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood where Hughes dies and they’re at his funeral, his daughter doesn’t understand what’s going on and saying “But if they put all that dirt on him he can’t do his job when he wakes up!”

I would seriously doubt they would take the kill away at this point. There’s kind of a feeling of relief it seems that it’s over.

I do disagree with the throw away comment about testing though. They do test, but These are the best in the world. Blizzard does not have personnel to stress test bosses in the manner that a RWF guild does during this time. When people use words like lazy to describe Blizzard in these cases, it’s just disingenuous. RWF really is a stress test that all mythic guilds eventually benefit from.

This game has less than 100k active players on retail NA. No way there’s more.

Their testing consists of god mode to make sure mechanics work. Remember these are the same nimrods led by a guy who repeatedly assures the community "these fights are meticulously tested with a “close to default UI.” "

We had this issue with Anduin where the stars didn’t have accurate hitboxes, clearly tested btw.

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