RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

You felt it wasn’t relevant to you.

Are you a specialist? Let me know where I can book a consult with you, doctor.

Mental healthy is important. If you don’t have proper follow up and you don’t consider the impact of it in your ability to be a World First raider, you probably should move to another business that is more appropriate to your condition.

I am pretty sure that since Liquid brought it up this, they will consider in the future have more appropriate mental health follow up with professionals for their team, as well the sponsors will feel inclined to actually support them on this. Mental health is a “top of mind” topic in everyone’s day business, and having a team forfeiting a competition because of it will bring a huge spotlight on it.

If there are no consequences (positive, of course) or changes in the future to help address and mitigate as much as possible mental health issues during a RWF, it will probably go down in the history as just a lame excuse to forfeit the competition.

Since that is not the case, we hope to see improvements and better preparation in the next RWF from Liquid side.

Maybe they can learn with Echo a bit how can they prepare better.

Isn’t it obvious that people playing several hours a day with minimum interruption for several days is actually what caused them to undergo under this (allegedly) amount of stress that led them to forfeit the RWF in the last second before Echo won it?

How can you actually dismiss the cause and not address it.

If there was a limit on how much attempts you could do on a boss / day or x amount of hours you could actually fight a boss, wouldn’t they actually have to rest and take their minds off the fight for some time?

Of course, they would spend some of this time trying to formulate a strategy (they already do it today), but it is their OWN preparation and decision to spend 16 hours a day playing. No one forced them, just like they decided to go home, they could decide to play only, let’s say, 8 hours a day.

If they don’t talk again about this and mental health when they get back to finish the mythic raid. I believe they will just brush it off, they know it will bring a LOT attention over these things like splits, no limit on attempt/hours on the bosses etc, just like it happened with Titanforging.

They had the very same issue with titanforging, complaining that they actually needed to run so many M+ (unstoppable) because of titanforging, they actually ended up losing it (and they complain today about not having it at all).

Them stepping back and getting out of the RWF is not a problem, and never was.
The timing of them doing it and the reason they claimed is the problem.

Never have they said that “well, we haven’t prepared for this”. That is the utmost truth. They haven’t prepared for this RWF like they should, and the undeniable proof is that they forfeit the race in the last second before it was won by Echo.

Well, the empathy of people that actually care about mental health for once.
This thread is full of examples of people that were not even aware of the RWF nor did actually watch Max stream explaining on detail everything and their reasons.

and also this post:

“i consider them the winner”

Way to distort reality.