Proposal/Idea for Premade activity

Maybe by “your” definitions it is.

Incorrect Blizzards definition.

:100:% It’s interesting to note I didn’t really see anyone saying this, especially horde players, when horde dominated epic BGs pretty much all hours of the day.

They will queue together up to maybe 20 minute queues, at which point they’ll get a bit restless. They don’t want to not queue together because it’s simply so easy to premade vs. pugs. Those from the same community wouldn’t voluntarily form ‘opposite faction sync groups’ because that’s not what they want to do. They just want to continue what has proved to be easy-mode.

As for horde players swapping to alliance to participate, at first I thought it was super sad, but then I realized, how can I blame them? They’re just doing what’s logical because if they’re soling or playing with a couple friends they can’t win alone with pugs, games loading with them being short players, and revolving door AFKs against a synced premade of 20-30+.

The one thing that might help combat the issue is the formation of a serious community to oppose them. By “serious” I just mean a community with super solid leaders who understand the meta and strat and members who want to try and do their best. Now, if there just aren’t enough horde players who are interested, given such an option, then things will continue as usual without something like cross faction.

Assuming cross-faction could not be opted out, then Faction could go away too with this trend. Anyway, cross-faction is already discussed elsewhere and needs Blizz. I am mainly interested in what we can do ourselves now, but it’s clear not much can be done with players’ lack of self-control.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind waiting longer for a more enjoyable experience! But people joining only to grind their transmog might think otherwise. Yes, you still need these people to pump up the number to make Blizz’s shareholders happy. :rage:

That is what I like about the cross-faction idea, seeing it from the opposite side is always a fun experience.

Also, I would like to see the return of persistent battleground (ie the original Ashran/Goals-driven PvP zone), and the premade/pugs difference could be softened, as the persistent nature of the game would provide Pugs time to build up and work with people (include premade) on their side.

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Why are we trying to simply make it “harder” for them to cheat instead of just straight up calling for perma bans for these scumbags?


I like my PvP at 3am just as much as 3pm!