Progressive advocate - more inclusion and diversity please!

I agree. Like if Anduin turns out to be gay I would rather them make it a sort of conflict of interest, rather than just say:

“OH yeah BTW, Anduin and Khadgar where getting on in bfa.” Then we never actually see the ramifications in-game.

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Context matters.

Honest to Bob, these threads bring out the “best” false information on the planet.

Almost as if they get all their news from Twitter…


Either one of those scenarios could work if it was written well (sans the Khadgar bit cause that’s just creepy).

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Ive maintained that they will have their day in court and they will be punished based on that.

I can see that you are steering everything away from people trying to educate you in what you thought was a valid assumption that your “third party game time” wasnt supporting Blizzard.

You are just making things up and taking leaps as we go further and frankly you seem to be coming unhinged. I recommend you get a hold of yourself and move on.

I’d just ignore that side argument at this point, it’s rife with logical fallacies.

I ain’t defending op are you high?

Do I really have to explain how bad a look it is to defend sexing someone who’s drunk and later reports it as rape?

There is litterally no amount of additional context that’s going to make me think you’re not a terrible person when you intend to get someone drunk, bring them to your “cosby suite”, and then proceed to have sex with them.

But please do tell, what context evidence do you have that makes the above ok?

Yeah that’s because these threads (and the false information) aren’t meant to inform, or even discuss, they are just meant to trigger people into ridiculous conversations. Some of which are pretty inappropriate for a video game forum! And we are going way beyond the pale here.

I wouldn’t mind these conversations if they were legit. But it’s a lot of bad actors on both sides. And especially on topics like this, in a place like this… does anyone ever see a compromise? I don’t.


The trolling portion can apply to both you, and the OP.

One third of your alt’s entire post count is in this thread. Post on your main.


Do I need to explain how every bar in the world works? That plenty have sex without it being illegal?

Why are you trying to make it seem like I support what happened? I DON’T. Capped that for you so you could really read it.

I can’t stand keyboard activists like yourself who put out falsities like you keep doing.


I litterally said at the beginning that even if I was supporting blizzard with my money directly that would change absolutely nothing.

Congrats you’ve brought to my awareness things I was already aware of.

Is the big strong man happy now?

Litterally waste my time because you need to “win the argument” despite the fact you’ve litterally done nothing.

They still do. They just get more wide spread attention now with social medial and general acceptance. If you can’t see that, you haven’t been paying attention.

Implying this isn’t my main and that I don’t usually post on alts.


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I was thinking this too, but decided not to call it out and see how far they would take it again.

“You don’t have enough posts on this forum for me to listen to you”
-someone who is too afraid to say they were wrong.


i’m worried ppl are gonna get sick and tired of all this and it’s gonna backfire somehow :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe it’s trolls and that’s exactly their goal /shrug

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I didn’t say you did I?

Feeling like it fits you? I noticed you came to the forums yesterday… It’s so weird how many of these new posting toons appear in these threads…

But hey nice to meet you perpetual liar.


It’s just incredibly suspect that someone “new” to this forum would enter guns blazing with ad hominem and ridiculously hot takes. I doubt people actually care whether you’re an alt or not. You’re just exhibiting forum alt-like behavior.


Your first posts were in this thread as well. So you came to GD just to form terrible arguments randomly with the regular forum-goers? Idk, sounds like just being someone’s alt is better than saying you’re a miserable person who chooses to be needlessly argumentative with random people.

I saw them specifically start boosting their post count on this thread lol. I’m unfortunately really good with names/visuals in terms of my memory


If you’re not defending blizzard.

Why do you feel the urge to come out and say that bedding a woman who’s drunk isn’t always rape?

Why are you sexing drunk women? They literally have impaired decision making skills.

Even if it weren’t illegal that’s just weird.