Progressive advocate - more inclusion and diversity please!

Am I supporting child slavery by using a computer because the chips used to run it are mined by slave children?

No, obviously not. Same thing here.

I’m sorry you think you don’t get to talk about these issues that very clearly bother you and get under your skim because you think your money eventually hitting their hands makes you complicit, or supportive of it, but you’re just wrong.

I don’t care what they put in or represent how as long as it’s done in a good story telling way. But if it’s done just for the sake of doing it or is poorly written, shoved in your face or done in a way that feels forced then don’t bother.

Just let good stories speak for themselves. If it makes sense for blizzard to do they’ll do it.

We had a questline for Night Fae involving an LBGTQ+ couple, Pelagos himself is also LBGTQ+ and again those were written well.

I played the Night Fae story with that couple and it was done well, I enjoyed the story and it didn’t feel out of place or shoehorned in.

That’s what matters most.


I can’t laugh and eat popcorn at the same time. :upside_down_face: :popcorn:

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That was 30 days ago, bud.

You’re literally making this post to try to bait people into arguing with you… can you just stop making posts?


When there are nothing but sharks in the water, everything you throw in is chum.

Personally, I would rather Blizzard stop mentioning a character’s sexuality to begin with.

It doesn’t matter, and blizzard probably couldn’t write a good romance to begin with.

Like Mathias, why was mentioned to be gay? Who is his lover? Does matter? No.

I also don’t wanna hear about how many side dudes Jaina is getting for that Arthas fix.

Pretty sure the problem is you guys have decided that because you’re part of the system, you can’t complain about it for some reason?

“Oh no, I’m forced into a system where people suffer. Better defend it because being called a hypocrite is just unbearable”

God it’s pathetic how meek you all are. You straight up run to defend their behavior because you’re in so deep you think you have to.

You can talk about the issues all day long, thats great. You were peacocking around saying your sub was not supporting them because of how you bought it. Which was wrong. You were corrected and now you seem to have realized you were being naive. Glad to have educated you. Good day!

What in the world are you talking about?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Something about the Matrix I think.

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There’s a right way and a wrong way of doing it.

A great example of the right way of writing such a character is Claire in Cyberpunk 2077.

A great example of the wrong way of writing such a character is Pelagos in Shadowlands.

Nope. Try again.

Sounds like someone has an alt for their undiagnosed God Complex.

Also, I’m not defending anyone’s behavior. I’ve simply refuted your incorrect assumptions about business and myself. You’re the one who’s gotten a little flustered :wink:

damn you played that game?

I put it in the same box of Mass Effect Andromeda. I know it exists, it might be a decent game now. But I sure as hell can’t bring myself to play it because I can’t erase the release from my mind.

On my 3rd playthrough of it now. It’s a fun game that has gotten hammered more than it really deserved honestly. I’ll be honest though I probably wouldn’t have tried it if it hadn’t gone on sale.

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Keep it civil.

What do you call it when priority number 1 when a heinous crime is called out, is to attack the person mentioning it?

If your first reaction is to try to tear them down, insult them, etc.

I’m just saying. You all need to reevaluate your priorities.

I know it makes you uncomfortable when people talk about these issues, but it’s not going to go away just because you make up some hilarious conspiracy theories.

I agree. Blizzard should add storylines and lore for lgbt representation in a way that makes sense. That’s why I made this thread to bring awareness to that.

Absolutely and I also enjoyed Qadarin and Thiernax and their story that I found to be memorable and emotional. I hope they include stories like this in Dragonflight.

The person is known for trolling. While “advocating” he was personally attacking an actual member of the LGBTQ community lol. Try again.

I was the first person my daughter came out to about being gay. I’ve never had problems talking about it. Try again.

Annnnnnnnnd goodbye.

You are so wrong here, all depends on the situation this blanket statement is false. Plenty of cases show this.

I am so tired with absolutes here.


They are fishing for outrage, that’s all that is. :man_shrugging: