Progressive advocate - more inclusion and diversity please!

If he should be advocating for anything it should be better content, no more systems upon systems upon systems. More content for all playstyles from the solo player to the mythic raider. That way all have ways to progress their toons and still have fun and feel like their being heard for once.

No thanks, Feedback belongs on the forums as directed by Blizzard.

I’ve never had a thread deleted.

So do you believe your own lies… how does that work out for you?

I think you hit it right on the nose, being organic is everything when it comes to telling a story and if you inject a character without that organic feel it feels like pandering. I’m not saying there shouldn’t any representation just have it feel natural and apart of the world. Thank you for more or less answering my question which is something I didn’t expect from a WoW forum thread.


I’m all for diversity. Really!

But I’ll draw the line at more colorful mogs.

We really don’t need any type of relationships mandated into the game for the sake of inclusion.

I just want to play to have fun. Not have a fanfic every cutscene. :frowning:


I think diversity is important.

I also think these threads can be harmful to diverse communities because it invites trolls and creates a dogpiling effect.


What’s your solution? To ban all talk about inclusivity and representation because a few bad apples can’t control themselves?

says the belf using a hair style that should be deleted

My God i despise that hairstyle. I’ve stuck with the falcon one on my only male belf since it seems less stupid.

It says a lot about the WoW community that people are angry at the OP for making great suggestions in my opinion!

The game is plenty diverse. Me being gay has never once effected my game. Because I keep my sex life seperated and running around flaunting it with rainbows isnt inclusive its singling out and being a show bird about who you sleep with.

That has nothing to do with wow.
Sure give more customizations… But running around like a pinkfloyd album cover isnt “diversity” is just bad transmog.


And also insulting to pink floyd

Imagine being hired and finding out it’s because the company needed to fill a quota of non white non cisgendered people, rather than on your skill and merit

Why can’t we just hire based on talent and stop caring what people look like, identify as, or who they sleep with???

The issue is you make the same threads every single day. Even when your other threads about the same things, are still at the top of the forums. It becomes spam instead of constructive.

For example, nothing in this thread is new - you or others have already made threads about all of it. Moderation and mogs are two you have currently going already. There was a whole HUGE thread about the new Diversity officer that got bumped recently too if you want to talk about that.

Even an advertisement for the best product in the world gets tiresome when it is broadcast too often.


I can help you understand why. WoWhead summarized it well:

"Because as eloquently put elsewhere, people aren’t sims. They don’t have numbered stat bars which make it easy to tell which person is slightly better than another at any given task or in any given field.

Measuring “skill” and “good work output” is incredibly abstract, especially when you’re hiring in an already diverse (working, not ethnic) industry - it isn’t as though your work on Mortal Kombat and my work on League of Legends is directly comparable.

So at a certain point, you narrow down your list of applicants to people who check all your boxes - good resume, references, work history, education, and professional achievements. Everything beyond that is an x-factor - which is precisely why companies do interviews by the way - to actually speak to the person, assess their character, and get a feel for how good a fit they would be or what other undefinable characteristic may/not make them a good addition to the team.

As much as some people may hate to acknowledge it, diverse backgrounds is also a part of that. It results in a broader range of thinking and ideas, which can absolutely contribute to your team. An often used example is that there are a veritable ton of games/movies based on Norse, Greek, and Roman mythology, but not so many that focus on African or Asian culture… but most people would agree that Black Panther and Wakanda were pretty cool, and Shang Chi was a major hit. Thanks, diversity.

To summarize, nobody has ever suggested hiring unqualified people to fill quotas (it also happens to be illegal by the way), only picking diverse candidates out of applicants which already meet the jobs qualification requirements. You wouldn’t think that would need to be explained, and yet here we are."

/nelson laugh

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Again…practice what you preach


I simply don’t hold the belief that most of these threads are created in good faith, hence the toxic posts.


Rest assured, I am just very passionate about my feedback. I would absolutely love to see charity events happen more frequently in game.

Companies already pick qualified candidates from the applicant pool. What would you call preferentially selecting “more diverse” candidates from that pool?

Whites and straight people have diverse backgrounds, too. And diversity of ethnicity/race is not a particularly good indicator of a diverse background, much less that the individual will bring something relevantly different to the team.

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