Progressive advocate - more inclusion and diversity please!

You can’t quote the person right above you unless you highlight the phrase & then hit quote & it will put it in your post.

Yup, it was a trick question but you aced it! They both are the worst simultaneously.

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One thing I’m happy Blizzard is doing is the social contract they’re enforcing. I’m hoping it curves some of the toxicity in the game. I don’t know why this wasn’t implemented in the beginning.

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To be so obsessed with recognition… must be exhausting. I’m not really talking about your obsession with the LGBTQ+ community (I highly doubt you are even a part of), I’m talking about your need to make a post about it every single day. It’s sad.

But maybe you just have mental issues, so I cannot really judge. We are all humans behind the screen. I hope you get some help in the long run - no joke.


Social Contract is just a reminder of the EULA you sign and agree to when first opening the game. Nothing has changed. It has always been against the rules. They just don’t strictly enforce them. They fired a good chunk of the GM and customer service folks awhile back.

Also the GM’s are severely grossly underpaid. They also enforce the rules inconsistently (this has been proven). You can get banned or it can be ignored based on who sees the report.


I’m very happy for this feature. I’m pushing for them to have us sign it monthly to help enforce the rules and remind others to follow them. It’s very important they do this often.

Ah, gotcha. Well, at least they made it more noticeable since a lot of people skip reading those.

The enforceable part which is the bottom, is the same as it has been since 2004. Now, have they always had the same reporting tools or enforcement, no. But the rules are the same. Actually they are a bit more lax now compared to 2004, esp with regard to naming. Still, nothing on them is new.

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The OP absolutely isn’t a part of the LGBTQ+ community. They’ve called it a “lifestyle choice” on numerous occasions on their various alts.


I am concerned with all the ugly transmog sets that will be put together.

Theres already ugly combos and some people who don’t even mog. Travesty, a travesty i tell you.

Well, that’s good that it has in fact always been there. It definitely seems like they’re trying to make it much more prominent. I believe New World does it similarly where it’s the first thing you see when you get to the login screen.

I know - I know.

Didn’t stop new world from failing hard LOL. The mass bans for pvp so others can easily conquer zones lol

I think Final Fantasy does too. A lot of games are being more up front to remind people about the basics. Kind of sad they feel they have to, but it is better than the alternative.I just hope they enforce things more consistently.

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The way that I see it, if done well (which is a huge if), it can be nice to see a variety of people including minorities (which can include women in some fields, racial minorities, LBGT, etc.) that are organically present in game. There’s value in people that are minorities being able to see someone like themselves in game - that can mean quite a bit to some people, esp. when they don’t see many people like themselves irl. The catch is that, like you said, the character should be badass first with the minority representation second. That doesn’t happen very often unfortunately and the result is people on both sides being upset with the result. Representation of various minorities in game needs to feel organic and not forced.


Wrong. I’ve been nothing but supportive for all groups. I’ve never once said anything dismissive intentionally. I’m just here to spread a positive message :blush:

Im nobody but myself and yes I am promoting more diversity and inclusion in the game. I think that’s a positive message to send to the developers when they are creating new content.

Yeah…calling sexuality a “Lifestyle Choice” is absolutely not something a member of the LGBTQ+ would ever say, intentionally or not.


You should email them and stop using the forums as your platform to cause outrage. There is a reason most of your threads get deleted.