Progressive advocate - more inclusion and diversity please!

why do you keep trying to make games like real life? just let the game be and quit trying to inject it with SJW nonsense. people come on here to escape, not to have it be just like real life.


Let me rephrase my question, why do you think that representation for any group is important? I understand it’s a semantic argument but the sexuality of a character or it’s gender shouldn’t matter as long as the impact of the character is still there, what they do should matter more than what they are. Who’s to say a character can’t be a staunch badass first and be gay second, their identity should never be the character more than the character itself.


St George the Dragon Slayer In Retirement Syndrome.

The dragons are slain. Time to stop going around town calling house cats dragons and killing them.


I see no problem with mirroring real world elements into the game. Especially if it will add to my overall immersion and enjoyment.

People play games as a form of escaping reality to have fun. Theres a reason movies with too much real world current issues injected into it tend to be rejected and flop pretty hard.

It breaks immersion and takes people out of the experience to be smacked over the head with issues that people go to play to not think about at that moment. Would be like having a coke vwnding machine on every corner of org and SW with advertisements for companoes in the real world.

Add more diversity, but doing it right is inserting it with some subtlety where its not in your face trying to preach down to you. Having messages forced onto you in everything is kinda like brainwashing. People get sick of hearing the message to the point its seen as hostile.
Talking about the same thing to everyone 24/7 yelling about it only groes annoying and will guarentee youre resisted and pushed away.
Your toxic positivity in the end will do more harm then good.


None of this makes the gameplay better. Waste of money on a useless job.

Damnit, I took the bait again.

If they add a plethora of the stuff you’re asking for, I I’ll just cancel my sub and ban the game in my household. I’ll move on to something else and you can be happy to be rid of me. :+1:t3:


This thread is exactly what I’ve started to play games created in other countries more lately. They make good stories that make sense and mostly good game play. A well placed LGBT story thread is subtle, they fit into the story arc and don’t disrupt it. You don’t have to shine a bright light on it, you don’t need everyone to know it is there, it just is. Most United States companies are ham fisted in their application of inclusion. Blizzard already can barely write a competent story as it stands.

Inclusion is fine. Wanting it to be the center point with giant rainbows and banners is not.


:rainbow_flag: :rainbow: do you have something against rainbows? They’re beautiful and Azeroth could use more of them!

Exactly. Organic representation is a good thing.

Forced representation that places entirely to much focus on sexual orientation isn’t helpful for anyone


Especially since currently it seems LGBTQ has been hikacked by straight people with guilty consciouses trying to force it everywhere… And the “inclusion” has turned the flag into a monstrosity. The LGBTQ movement use to stand for important things and now its all about pushing to be in the spotlight on a pedestal with special attention by the selfish views of bad actors, rather then what it use to be, equal rights and being treated like anyone else without fear or prejudice for being who we are.

OP is obviouspy the nu-age must be in the spotlight and become a sterotype to be “real gay” abd only think like he and his troll companion or you’re not an ally.

Its a really bad new age view on “diversity” which isnt what it is at all…wrong think will get you attacked by these types. They want special privlege not equal treatment… Narsasisim.


Rainbows are fine, but that isn’t what you’re after. You want a central focus on LGBT things. Again, it’s fine if they’re in the game. When and where they make sense and add to the story. Subtle applications that fit naturally are better. Blizzard can barely write the story as it stands let alone apply inclusion in anything more than a “LOOK THESE TWO CHARACTERS ARE DIFFERENT”

It’s important that inclusion doesn’t “other” the community it is meaning to represent. Big glaring bright neon signs is a way of othering.


When did I ever say I want it to be the center of anything?

Great, glad we can agree on that.

Your saying what’s already implied in my original post.

Okay, that’s just like your opinion, man.

What are you even talking about? This makes no sense.

‘Online trolls have been described as self-aggrandizing, individualistic, and unremorseful in their behavior,’ reads the study published in the journal of Social Media and Society. 'Research suggests that trolls possess dark personality traits, including psychopathy, narcissism, sadism, and Machiavellianism.


It does make sense. If you’ve ever hung out with a minority in your life the one thing they want most is to fit in and be treated the same. You’re so blind to the real struggles of minorities. My wife is a minority, and the stories she tells are pretty sad. Inclusion doesn’t mean what you think it means. Inclusion is subtle, friend. Your idealism on what it really is in so insulting it boils my blood. I’m going to keep this conversation civil though.


I make my feedback and views known. I just find it strange why asking for inclusion is somehow ruining the game in your mind. But I guess I’ve heard of stranger things…

And how many of those times was their sexuality announced without being asked? That’s bait and

We all hide behind avatars, there is no way anyone can tell what race, religion, political stance, or sexuality the driver of any of these avatars have unless… this game is not the time or place those four topics should be discussed.


Did people get the power to hide replies on their own thread or something? Mine keep vanishing.

I did notice your posts are disappearing. Usually it gives a “24 hours this post will delete” if you delete it yourself. No idea. You went from 4 posts to 6 to 4 again.

Yeah exactly! OP is wasting his time here

But his only way to have fun is trying to troll us in the lamest ways possible, sad. Pretty sure He doesn’t care that much about what he preach anyway.


Super weird…