You literally did. And calling me a troll is one of those things.
You’ve never done that in your 14 posts here. And your opinion isn’t “Facts and sources” however you’ve twisted them.
Nice job lying though.
Oh i’m sorry Tulln, i thought you want me to care about representation? Now you’re chastising me for doing exactly that?..
And it’s not just my opinion, even people who are LGBT hated this. Heck, some Youtube channels like Jim Sterling talked about how Awful it is. And she’s LGBT. Heck, even some of Activision’s own employees hated this.
Pretty much everybody think this is completely backwards. It’s not just “Bigots” or “Far rights” or however you wish to quantify it. Hell even Bigots and Far Righters hate this.
Talon— err… Tulln… Face it. You’re in the minority here. You want your idea to be pushed, which is why you’re putting on this fake positive attitude, but everybody else has spoken and they think it’s bad for representation. or avoiding tokenism. You don’t care about repersentation. Everybody does.
Plus, total lols calling me an outrate poster, coming from you.
And this is why people dislike you. You agree a person who uses their LGBT to bully people around under the guise of “representation”. Even actual LGBT people dislike him.
Projection much?
For somebody who told me i make baseless accusation, you just told me a baseless accusation. Yeah, haven’t seen this hyperbolic accusation before… “oH yoU Do ThIs EVERY THREAD!!”
Yup, you’re projecting.