Progressive advocate - more inclusion and diversity please!

The fact that I read these two right after each other, and I can’t make a single damn joke about it without getting banned. It hurts. My soul.

I promise that I’m not a completely awful person :heart:


Everything pulls from the real in some way, does not mean it needs to change with the times as the years go by. Especially once it has an established world of it’s own.

Some examples:

One of my favorite shows of all time is Sense8, wonderfully written show with LGBTQ all over it…

Lord of the Rings and Tolkien stories in general are very specific as told by the artist, basically a sin to change his work just to include a real life anything.

World of Warcraft may be no Tolkien piece but I believe it fits in a similar category. Regardless if those artists already did have some parallels to reality.

Anyone who tries to change Tolkiens work deserves 200 lashes and to be burned at the stake. That’s not just a sin, its the ultimate sin.


I’m worried about the new show on Amazon. Getting a lot of heat from Tolkien fans, I sure hope it’s better then it’s sounding atm.

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I’m hearing mixed things about it too. I’m surprised Christopher allowed them to try and make another adaptation, he already wasn’t a fan of the hobbit movies.

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How many Talonbeaktulnvielawalker threads do we need each week


Are you implying I’m an alt of Tal?


Please no ? Please hire competent people.

The looks, opinions, sexual/personal orientations/preferences are irrelevant.

DOn’t know don’t care but you all seem to make the same kind of pathetic troll threads .

So even if you are not all the same person you are of a hive mind .

“Let’s see how many threads we can make to see if we can get both the straight and lgbtQ+ players to go at eachother”

Usually it ends up being both sides going going at all of you .


Just another Tuu troll post. Why do people keep responding?

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You alright buddy? You seem bent on pushing your genders onto others. That’s not normal behavior.


Congratulations on the amount of fish you hooked!

:lollipop: for you!

Now I know why Walmart never has tin foil in stock!

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“I didn’t buy this ivory from poachers so it’s ok, it doesn’t support poaching! Why are you arresting me???”

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As someone who used to participate in that ‘something else’, the reason for that is ‘something else’.

And when they do try, it’s superficial.

Blizzard had two female trolls getting married in the pre-BfA novel, but couldn’t come out and say Flynn and Shaw went on a date.

They want to talk the talk, but not walk the walk.


Is this the appropriate time to insert “giggity” ?

not quite, it isn’t a pleasant type of “something else”. It’s more of a “I had to cut off a lot of former friends because it consumed their lives” type of “something else”.

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I got in on this bait early figuring it would have been locked/deleted pretty quickly.

Then I see it has almost 330 replies and is still up 22hrs later.

Activizzard is definitely ignoring these forums.

Ah I see. No need to elaborate further.

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