Progressive advocate - more inclusion and diversity please!

Ah I see that you already forgot all you have been taught here.

That’s a wrap folks… knowledge doesn’t survive even an hour in this ones head. :laughing:


I’m messing with you.

I pay my sub directly.

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Ok, that’s a relief. I was worried that the forum you was running around loose out there.

Smells like sizzling bacon and disappointment :heart:

Just when we thought things couldn’t go deeper, my guy pulls an M. Knight Shamallamalonalon


You know what is running around loose? Your refrigerator. Ha! Got em

I wanted to see how insane it’d get if I said I paid my sub via 3rd party.

Totally worth it.

I do get my bnet balance and my expansions via third party though. It’s just cheaper.

MAybe, but the recent hire of diversity chief will definitely help with creating more opportunities.

Mmmm bacon

Please tell me this isn’t a “realize how dumb you sound and pull a reverse”.




Like I said at the start. Literally nothing would change if I was paying blizzard directly for my sub.

Because I am.

I can’t believe you people read that and still thought I’d genuinely tell you I play via 3rd party game time if it didn’t matter to me.

We need more handicapped representation. Petition to make Anduin a cripple and give Sylvanas Autism

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Maybe? I know a few people who were contacted that I know directly and they declined the interview because they didn’t want to be a token. Blizzard are very well known in Austin as a horrible place to work.

:notes:Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama
Lord I’m comin’ home to you :notes:

ok… but now we are into a whole new conundrum…

If you were lying about that … :man_shrugging: everything else you say needs to be tossed in the bin. :wastebasket:

You’ve killed you persona in 130 posts. :disappointed: then again nobody will remember this tomorrow. :laughing:

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Imagine taking the forum’s seriously


Anyway, I’m well overdue for sleep. Goodnight, I’ll see you all on my alt tomorrow.

The North remembers.


You don’t know how hard it is not to make the edgy joke that is in my head rn

Fire and blood!

Hail Daenarys Stormborn of the house Targaryen!

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Damn man… at least I know what level of ridiculous to watch out for. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Been re-watching the whole series in preparation for the upcoming spin off. None of my friends understand why I’m full of game of thrones comments lately. We all will be again come release. WINTER IS COMIN’

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