Progenitor essentia drops needs a boost

The price is ranging beteween 5-20k in every realm WITHOUT a way for it be spend rn, and with the supply being so limited as it is rn we are going back to see 200k leggos or even more

If u get today price of Illidan (17.5k each unit) you would spend 35k+ ALONE on the vestige (2 progenitor+mats for vestige+ the price of the rank 4 PH, almost 100k+ only on mats loooooool

Blizzard changed the drop of korthite in 9.1 cause of the high prices, theres no reason let the drop be so low AGAIN to change it AGAIN in the future.

And you won’t only spend progenitor essentia in legos, you also spend it on crafted 262, what will also make the price of those also astronomical.


Odd question, but how is this used for alchemy? Wowhead lists a crafters mark for alchemy, and I’m confused.

Alchemists Stone trinket?

Oh maybe. I don’t use it, so I forget it exists. lol

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I’ve been doing Zereth Mortis on 4 characters (Pally, Monk, Priest, Shaman) since launch, everyday.

I’ve gotten 2 Progenitor Essentia, 1 on this Monk and another on my Priest.

The drop rate is horrendous.


I agree.

I’ve been out here every day killing as many rares as I can. I’ve done all the quests, i’ve done all the world quests, I’ve done almost 1k fishing casts for the mount (which is where literally all the essentia I have came from) I’ve opened the chests you need to grind keys for, i’ve opened every unlocked cache I come across, I’ve put literally hours into “Traversing the Spheres” achievement… and probably more.

and I have 2.


and I need eight to ten to craft the four to five legendaries (UFR, Sleeper, NoW, Draught and Unity) I plan on using.

two. that’s a pathetic drop rate.


With “Patterns Within Patterns” becoming a weekly quest, 1 Progenitor Essentia should be guaranteed from that quest as a form of Bad Luck Protection.


As someone who doesnt care about upgrading my leggos but does care about the amount of gold i will make, i vote leave it alone!

I sold one for 9k at the start like a dummy, my next one is 30k on ah. Hehehehe

Ill be rdy for that next bruto for sure


Sure you say this now. Wait until Rank 7’s cost over 200k on small servers without enough competition in the market to keep prices lower because you need 2 of them for each.

Even on High and Full servers we will see over 100k with these prices, all due to the scarcity of a necessary material.

There are 315 for sale on my server right now… ranging from 16,999 up to 48kg. If I were you I’d buy four and farm the last two - four you need.

You can use mine! I won’t upgrade them, but if they sell for that much awesome.

that’s probably what I’m going to have to do and it kind of stinks. they’re so expensive.

I farmed up all the prototgenic pelt I would need for my main’s legendaries, straight up akkaris murder spree last night on two accounts lol…but there’s just not really any farm I can do to get the essentia.

I’m hoping they change something. sell them for comsic flux or make them drop a bit more frequently. someone’s idea of getting one from pieces within pieces would be a good solution.

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they have use in the crafted marks and in vestige (used for 291 legos)

So the price will skyrocket.

Gotta keep those token sales up somehow!


You already do, it just isn’t a 100% chance. They’ll probably bump the drop-rate to 100% like what was suggested though.

Hopefully they also bump the cache to drop two pieces of Cypher gear since it used to give you 1 epic piece of gear every 3 days.

I said before this expansion came out that this leggo system was a big Monkey’s Paw and the reason Blizzard was thrilled to push forward with it was that they got a PR win while also getting to push token sales. Still believe that to be true.

There’s no reason Leggos couldn’t have just been purchased with Soul Ash/Cinders, but here we are.

Also on-topic:

Right, but I was asking for Alchemy specifically, because I make potions and flasks and didn’t know how a crafters mark was relevant to me.

Bris said it might work for the Alchemist Stone, but I haven’t checked, because I don’t use it.

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It does work in the alchemist stone; brings it up to 262 which is pretty nice with all the vers and the potion bonuses attached to it.

Vers is terrible for me, so I’ll pass. But thank you for clearing that up! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Which means mat farmers are going to make bank by merely playing the game.

You shush.

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Yeah, it’s really bad. I got 2 essentia so far - from the 2 “weekly”-quests - and since then… nothing. Despite clearing most of the treasures and rares everyday and multiple times a day. On my realm they go for 16.000 gold now. On the first 2 days it was around 6k. There are also just ca. 100 pieces in the auction house right now on a high pop realm and we’re still far away from crafting the new leggos.

It’s really weird and I’m just thinking if it might be bugged. If it’s staying like that, legendary costs might get really interesting.