You ain’t wrong lol, the whole crafting system this expansion seems tailored to it
Alchemy can make philosopher stones that are trinkets is why.
yeah, mat farmers making a bank is really what matteres lmao
ppl really are hard this days lol
Hey, take the quest to drain the big balls.
Then, when you’re not on the quest, ask Firim for the tool to drain the big balls.
Go out and drain the big balls.
Plenty of Progenitor Essentia in them big balls.
I have well over 10 of these Essentia things of various types from just a few days of draining balls.
I have so many that I thought, “Wow these drop a lot.”
It’s so horrendously bad right now that I have gotten ZERO drops so far. I’ve killed so many rates and opened so many chests and fished a ton. That I should of at least gotten one drop, but nope, zero, atrocious idea honestly to make it worse than kortherite crystals. Along with the patterns quest should drop at least one similar to how the one quest in korthia you did dropped two gurenteed ones for RNG protection purposes.
I did everything every day, i’m almost 5100 rep, and only’ve gotten 1
That was my experience until I started to drain the big balls to hopefully get that chest key. I received 3-5 last night alone from this method.
The only change to alchemy is a new heating pot with the new herbs.
There is a new feast recipe which is a nice QOL.
POG essences are for 291 legos or making customized 262 BOE armor. Leggos take 2, armor uses 1. Right now there is NO use in the game. All sales are from AH speculation.
The most dedicated farmers might be scheduled to hit honoured tomorrow and you might see actual 292 leggo bases and 262 BOEs late Tuesday. I suspect the general population should catch up March 2-5th.
Keep in mind a single serious mythic raid roster needs 40-80 of the pog Essenes. Expect prices to skyrocket on these.
If they are cheap on your realm,scoop them up today cause tomorrow they go to the moon
I haven’t gotten one and I’m around 4000+ rep in friendly. I’m going to be so broke upgrading leggos for each spec. It might have been a curse gold wise come to think of it not being covenant locked anymore.
Buy some off the AH now, just 2 especially if they are cheap. Prices are gonna spike when people hit honored soon and there is actual demand.
I only found one and scooped up 5 for 15k so I can gear up my friends for the coming raid.
Look at AH volumes and think gearing raid groups
Okay I might look into that. Last time I checked they are 16.5K each in AH on Sargeras.
If your maining a mage, the other materials are 5-8k. If you scoop up those pieces you could probably commission your leggo for under 40k total cost to you. And always buy your orboreal shards at Hero’s Rest in Bastion, you save 25g each orb.
I made some money selling those… no ragertz
I’m ready for it. The prices on my server have been going up steadily throughout the day yesterday. I would go to org once, leave, come back a while later and it’s higher than before. I’ve gone to the ah 5 times yesterday. Before I logged off it was at 16k.
These drops are kind of weird. I have 6on my mage and none on my dk or warrior and I’ve been using them all quite a bit. But, my mage is the only one getting them.
I say this because 262 is good enough my friend. Its unnecessary ilvl and cost for a system that is dumpstered in 12 months.
When i realized i have to replace my wars leggo because of the belt and how arbitrary blizz dumps a prohibitive gold cost on us i gave up and just said lets milk the community for every cent.
Ppl are too busy how they can vs if they should!
I just bought 6 of these from AH at 18.5K - 19K each two for arcane, two for fire, and two for pvp for now. I’ll just wait until my four piece to buy for frost cause I want to make sure I have enough gold left for the other mats to create what I have rn for above.
I still haven’t looted one. Is it from chests or gathering nodes? I don’t gather on my mains, so…
This makes me think you’re not talking about the same item?
I’ve used the Forge-tap enough to have opened the Provis Cache a few days in a row now (200-300 Ephemera Strands) and never have I seen a Progenitor Essentia from one.
It can come from chests and gathering nodes of herb and mining.
The more people that do ZM the more thevprices will drop. I think new legendaries might unlock tomorrow or the week after.
A reason to do ZM on alts is for more PE