Profile Character Not found

Hi. On the forums, where I can change what character shows up on my posts, my current main does not exist as a character to choose. How can I get that character to show up?

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Unfortunately, I don’t think that there’s a way to force a character to show up. If you’ve logged into them recently (and I’m assuming you did since they’re your main), and if they’re level 10 or higher, they should be an option.

Just to be sure, when the list of characters loads, you’re scrolling down to see them all right?


I only have five total characters that I’ve ever made. All except my current character, who I created a few months ago and log into almost every day, appear when I click the change character button. If I search with the filter with my character name, it says no character is found.

I get redirected to the EU forums all the time. Not sure if that’s helpful, I think it has something to do with my language settings in browser (Canada). Worth checking if it keeps happening.

Try logging out of the forum and then back in. That might poke a refresh of your character list.


Best to post in


Thank you. This worked.


Awesome Wyldeth! Glad that worked :slight_smile:

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