Professions: The Chore Within

I don’t like them.

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Oh i have money, just the sheer amount needed this time around is double in some cases to level crafting professions.

Just because you’re swimming in gold, doesn’t mean you can’t complain how tedious something is.

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That’s why I think they should’ve completely killed the AA shuffle.

I said before even if I had millions of gold, the pricing to unlock the last couple Warbank tabs would still be ludicrous.

I get it’s early in the expansion but, damn if I haven’t spent 40k already and am not willing to spend any more.

It’s almost like people don’t need that much space, and there are luxuries for people… like a 2.5 mil spider mount, and 5 mil brutosaur. (Need something similar.)

This is the lowest state professions have been in the history of WoW.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


The World… of Timegating


Professions suck now that they have been gated to hell and padded out to prolong content.

And no, they are neither fun nor engaging.

And no, they don’t have to be this way just to have relevant crafted items either.

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I vastly prefer this version.

Being able to specialize, but not be 100% locked into it like in vanilla and TBC is far better than the standard ‘grind to 100’ setup they had with previous expansions. Same with having profession gear.

In fact, I’d love to see them expand the current profession system to previous expansions too. Just so folks can easily get profession gear for the expansion they choose to level in and can feel like professions are more than just ‘grinding a bar’.

The current system is by no means perfect. Gathering professions in particular feel like you’re forced to spend a significant amount of mastery points just to unlock the ability to farm herbs and ore while mounted on every character that has either of those gathering professions and fishing having no specializations or bonuses is significantly lacking. I’d also make it so you’re not forced to do crafting orders to get to level 100 crafting and create patterns from 50 to 100 for every crafting profession.

But even in its current state it’s better than previous expansions.

I can see why the current state of professions are appealing to those that are first in and first out or exploiters.

When BlizZard comes to their senses they will realize they have done great harm to the true core player base that used to see professions as their end game since vanilla and it was killed overnight by the DF/TWW changes.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

professions are its own endgame progression system now instead of stuff people max and forget for the rest of the expansion.

Shadowlands operated under the same model kinda but you could just throw gold at that one.

Doesn’t matter how many times this lie is repeated or people switch to alts to repeat.

The truth is professions were always an endgame for people. Current professions benefit gold sellers and exploiters.

Not the common meta, average or super casual player.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:



Just a bunch of busywork tedious nonsense that has been artificially time-gated.

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Yes, progression. So you get like 6 different profs under the same name. It’s like Blizzard adding multiple professions without doing so since not everyone can craft everything.

And only benefits botters and exploiters not real players.

Same thing happened in Lineage 2 Chronicles 2 update.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Is anyone opposed if Blizzard hypothetically added 30 professions to the game?

Here’s what gets me: turn five pieces of meant into less the number of smaller portion pieces. How does five pieces of mean yield three small portions? What am I throwing away here and why??

And meat doesn’t even drop all that often. I spent an hour mass murdering on Isle of Dorn and got 40 pieces which turned into less than that for cooking.

Look, I get it. It’s an RPG. I slice mushrooms and whatnot in Palia to cook, as well… but at least I yield more out of cooking there.

I feel like I’m promoting food waste in WoW.

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I definitely do not have even close to gold cap. THe most I have ever had is 60k on a single character.

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okay, but anyone that remotely cares will have at least one gold cap.

At the rate you keep talking about how much gold you have, I’m willing to bet you just bought it off of some website with real money.

Hard work often comes with humility. Which you don’t have. So I’m doubting you in particular acquired said gold cap in a genuine and honest way.

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