Professions: The Chore Within

But there’s no way to create a public order without providing all the mats. It’s literally impossible.

Wait… the crafting tables have this option!!!

If this is true, I had no idea. I assumed if I wanted to craft/do DF stuff, I’d have to go back to Valdx. lol

Whenever you play an alt and a green drops, stash it in your warband bank instead of vendoring it or trying to sell it on the AH. You’ll lose a small amount of gold on average, but you’ll quickly find you have plenty of enchanting materials.

Ah, I see.

To be honest I struggle to get really invested with professions in the first place. I always make some small attempt (probably not enough of one, to be fair) but end up bored with it.

I can’t tell you any more truth than I have, I had to get the reagents myself. Maybe it was recently changed? Or maybe it was even a bug, I don’t know.

Been that way all of TWW, I think even during EA.

After the first … 3-4 days of an expac, this is almost never true.

Go look at the AH and make sure.

Excepting those first days when prices are absolutely insane, it almost NEVER makes sense to DE greens for Dust.

You sell the green and just BUY the dust.

Go price it… you’ll see. Even now, we’re only what … 10 days into this expac? And greens are already more gold than the Dust they give.

It was the only public crafting order I saw since I bothered to look at them. Like I said I didn’t take it initially because I didn’t have the materials and they were needed because they weren’t provided.

If there’s no way public orders can be done without providing the materials, well that one certainly didn’t provide them. I haven’t seen any other public crafting orders to compare.

A random green is not a guaranteed sell, especially in current expansions where decent gear is easily attainable from quest rewards as you level.

Sure, you could try to drastically undercut the current price to try to guarantee a sale, but most folks, if they’re anything like me, are going to look at the BoE green prices and say: “You know what? I’d rather do quests or craft my own gear, thanks, bye.”

If you’re hurting for enchanting mats, stashing the greens you get while playing alts makes you self-sufficient, and that’s easier than ever with the warband bank.

You mean here people don’t have at least one gold cap and care about selling greens?

I’m talking about VENDORING the green. lol

Just the VENDOR price is worth more than the Dust.

As always- verify market prices before you vendor it, but … it’s almost NEVER worth it to nuke items.

Vendor them, and buy Dust.

Shards, etc vary more.

Vendor price is not worth more than dust. My greens aren’t vendoring for 300g.

Not yet… but it will. And very soon.

Self-suffiency is basically my middle name. I have alts for nearly every profession whatever they acquire for any one profession gets put in the Warbank immediately. Same with greens I get from disturbed soil on my Dracthyr as well as dungeon drops and questing.

Unfortunately this still only just barely puts a dent into anything in regards to my professions. I’ve been conserving all my null lotuses and null stones I’ve farmed on my own since I’m going to need them anyways and they are priced way too high.

I saw the amount of materials needed and just started gathering this time around, lol.

Why? profs are cheap as ever to level.

Same. :laughing:This version of profs ain’t it.

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Professions in TWW are designed with botters in mind and not the average player. I have said as much.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

And money-bags here likes to boast his quantity of gold more than I care to hear at this rate.

this version of profs is the best, You have like…30 different profs without directly adding 30 more.