Professions: The Chore Within

gold is surprisingly easy to make. More so after regional action houses.

88m in DF, 15? or so in TWW so far. Got like 5 in SL, 10 in BFA.

15 million gold in the past 6 days since launch, even with EA that’s still insane. Perhaps it wouldn’t be entirely a bad idea to ticket a GM to check your account for suspicious activity…

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definitely abusing the AH with addons.

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Other people already made 50m + I’m behind.


that’s all folks

Name one person who mentioned, hinted, alluded to or said this. Because they’d definitely need to be checked out as well. The gold cap is only 10 million, if people are able to break that in 6 days, it’s definitely not by Blizzard’s intended design.

Saying this also doesn’t make you look any less suspicious. At all. And I’ve already sent the email anyways, so your account would still be looked into. If you’ve got nothing to worry about, then you’ve got nothing to worry about.

I’m not saying gold cap is impossible to reach either, but reaching it nearly twice in just 6 days of a new expansion can’t be legitimate. S’all I’m saying.

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You don’t know how much gold moves around lol.

Yeah well I’d love for even 1 million gold to “move around” to me.

Learn the AH and it can.


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I feel like Blizz not only completely ignored the feedback regarding professions in DF, but chose to make some aspects even worse.
Take gathering professions for example. Putting points into gathering skill feels almost useless because now it’s just RNG whether a Q1 or Q3 material is looted. Feels great knowing that in a few weeks Q1 mats will be worth nothing but still drop in plenty. Special nodes also don’t bring any excitement anymore because the stuff isn’t worth much.
Bag clutter also gets worse now that enchanting materials and cloth are both available in different qualities.


so estimated profit for today 4 million. it’s a bit low isn’t it?

(It’s only mid-day.)

i need arund 20 nullstones just for my first craft bonuses. or i can buy the part already made at roughly the same cist. either way, i don’t want to drop 60k for these mats after what i’ve already dropped on ore.

also, i’m a miner, and i have mined everything i’ve seen (almost). got enough pieces for one stone, never got any pieces/stones after that.

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It’s the experience of inexperienced enchanter like I was way way back in Vanilla. Yup, Enchanting made me poor then but I became among the richest later on… that was Vanilla.

People came up with strategies. They made a Tailor and all it does is make greens/blues for the disenchanting. Enchanter is awesome if you have multiple toons that do Tailoring, Leatherworking and even Blacksmith/Engineers. But Enchanter by itself as it is, good luck.

I’m beginning to miss the old profession system.


Wasn’t that always the case at the start of an expansion, specially for enchanting? It’s not even a weak since the broad lunch and you want everything maxed out?

I want 5 hours of grinding to yield more than 35 Storm Dust when the recipes cost 10 Storm Dust.

Is that too much to ask for?

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Just buy it?

join a 2x4 group and you’ll probably get 30 greens in an hour

I’m not sure there’s nothing about professions that’s casual, WoW does not reward casual easy going laid back efforts. Cry beg for mercy scream foul in the wind! wont help you either.

You gotta work like a slave in the Pit of Saron in WoW for every little crumb offered in professions especially if its a tasty one.