Professions: The Chore Within

There is no way I am the only one grinding hours and hours a day for such small yields of materials that would have me spending months if not half a year just to max out my professions if I’m not slave-driving myself from dawn til dusk.

The worst I’ve been having it is on my enchanting alt. I’m not made of gold, I can’t just buy a ton of greens which are priced higher than the actual Storm Dust itself on the AH, but I can’t even afford the amount of Storm Dust I need to max out my profession either or even do my patron orders (Now that they’re fixed).

The only thing I had going for me were the Waxy Bundles I found out about two days ago for my enchanting supplies. One bag would grant me like 67 Storm Dust and I felt so relieved that I could go forward finally without feeling like I was grinding my very own soul into it’s own form of dust as well.

They changed that today. Know what I get from the bundles now? 8 Storm Dust.

No evident increase to the amount of greens that can drop, and no real method to acquire decent quantities of Storm Dust by any tried and true means. I’m not grinding even more on my alts either just to craft green quality profession gear to send to my enchanter because that too was exhausting.

It’s not just enchanting either. I’m not going to think there’s more content to the game just because you make it take longer to do.


If your not at least 50% towards maxing profs by now you are doing something wrong.


I don’t know what Blizzard wants me to do with cooking, the amount of mats needed to make one feast can be an entire night of playing for me. That is the only way currently to skill up, 2-3 hours of grinding. No thanks.


A lot of people don’t like just buying everything off the auction house. My enchanting is pretty much sitting while others professions I am in the 70s without having to do a lot of that.


Professions are kinda designed to be more of a marathon than a sprint now, less so for gathering profs but knowledge especially is still intended to be worked at over a long period of time. It’s fine, just chip away at it as you’re able!


My problem is this consistent lack of reward from hours of labor. If I’m grinding for hours, I expect to yield more than 35 Storm Dust by the end of the day. Especially when it costs 10 Storm Dust to enchant most things that level up my skill.


No need to buy them. Average casual playing 9 hours per day easily can handle this. It is all about priorities in the game.


That’s seemingly just part of the design, I’m afraid. It’s meant to be like that, so expectations should be set accordingly.

I kinda said screw it, and just picked up double gathering professions for this reason.


9 hours a day is ‘casual’?


I feel like saying forget it too. I did half my own mats and half buying them to get a bit over halfway to max leatherworking. I spent over 100k!


I didn’t enjoy the professions in dragonflight although I met people who really did, which is ok. It’s for somebody. lol

Maybe I’ll take up two gathering professions instead.


Thanks for reminding me why I never bother with videogame professions :rofl:


Personally I think the rewards for the Patron Orders is absolutely insane, how was the gold reward not tied to AH mat costs to a degree? I have seen orders that offer the average of about 75 gold with mats that cost upward of 40-100k, obviously this will go down as you get recipes and have had time for mat costs to go down some but damn, supply some of the mats and then loose 40+k for maybe 2 skill points is just stupid and this is coming from someone who has played for over a decade and has over 5m gold banked and even I cringe at some of these costs…seems like an easy fix and a stupid mistake…just an observation.


Professions is an endgame progression activity now, ever since SL. They fixed them so they are actually fun and rewarding to participate in DF and they are continuing that streak in TWW.

If you don’t want to craft, then … don’t. You don’t have to. If you still want professions grab herbalism and mining and just sell the materials instead. But if you want to craft now you have an actual activity to participate in rather than a throwaway thing you do at the start of an expansion and then effective table it for the rest of it.
Professions are now far more involved and have actual gameplay aspects to it. If you think playing a game is a chore, maybe skip out on it? Just because you say it is a chore doesn’t magically make it one. It is an endgame activity much like any other. That’s all there is to it.

Don’t like it? Don’t participate in it - in fact this is far more likely to net you way more gold if you don’t want to craft things and actually engage with the system as well. Mentioning this since you said you didn’t have that much gold so… if you don’t like crafting, maybe just change to gathering and make gold instead?


Ive hated crafting since the DF version and have have disliked it since legion when they separated all the previous expacs from each other


Get ya guild to help gather matts forbthe foodbthey will be enjoying. If its designed in a way that seems insane to do solo… it may not be…

Posture much? You impress no one.


Thanks for the laughs. :rofl: :rofl:


I gotta be honest here… kinda miss the old professions. :laughing:


You might be.

I quit professions early in DF. This version is even worse.