Professions: The Chore Within

You only REALLY need work orders when it comes to making the big ticket items that require: a Spark, or Mettle/Acuity … because there is NO WAY the crafter is going to (or even can) provide those mats.

Right now, you don’t NEED crafting orders, you just need the AH. And that part is working just fine. Ask anyone raking in the profits.

We simply aren’t far enough along as crafters. It’s coming. We have to build up Acuity. And the first round OF THAT is going to be spent making the best tools.

It’s coming… be patient.

I seen one sitting there on my alt offering 5k gold for a simple item, I didn’t bother at first because I didn’t have the materials. 30 minutes later it was still there so I decided to just take it.

They’re not being snatched up.

Please don’t confuse dragonflight scam orders with tww orders. You have to provide all materials in TWW.

And 30 minutes later I had the materials. What’s your point? I made this thread about professions because I’ve been working on my professions. They didn’t provide anything.

People don’t take those orders because they’re a monetary loss.

There’s a reason, it isn’t filled lol.

Professions have become way too convoluted now, so I just pick flowers. I also chose tailoring this time, but it’s at level 1 and I just use it to gather cloth and sell along with the herbs. I miss the old professions, especially Inscription in the Wrath/Cata days.

5k gold for a 2 quality deadly amber was a monetary loss? Ain’t no way. I assure you ore’s not selling that high and ambilivants are the easiest gem to prospect.

Somebody buying something for that high had no idea they were overpaying way too high for it either and it sat there for 30 minutes.

I haven’t read this, and I’m not invested, but I’m giving you a like for a clever title.

But aren’t you talking about public orders?

We’re only allowed 4 a day.

So if you already did three for 25k, 20k, 20k … you’re not going to take 5k, because you’re expecting your last to be another in the 20k range.

that’s an order that’s also impossible to create in TWW. Not public anyway. You have to provide everything as a public order.

Don’t see many public orders, it was the first one I actually took since EA started.

I saw this coming from a mile away.

So blizzard has approached this in a way that caters to everyone.

Players who like playing 1 hero - can now invest hours and hours into spamming keys and raids and gaining crests.

Players who like playing the AH can jump between realms and buy and sell stuff.

Players who like playing the profession, can now spend countless hours into maxing out their profession.

Players who like playing alts can now play multiple alts and still be up to date on their game.

Now players will need to decide what they want to play. It will be impossible for someone with a 9 to 5 to excel in all these modes unless they are playing 26 hours a day.

I saw this when getting alts was made this easy.

Players will become jack of all trades, master of none in 6 months.

Scroll up-- I already explained why you won’t see any public orders for… like 2 more weeks.

Not in the greater sense of what you WILL since in, like, 2-3 months.

Im just taking it as I get it, personally.
I got the Eng plans I wanted…the wormhole, repair bot, etc.
No rush. Im going to try to stick to an actual main this time

I can’t speak for professions, but this won’t be true in the PvE instance content.

No I was mostly replying to someone who said they were getting snatched up way too quickly, but I saw the one sit there for 30 minutes. I could figure easy enough that the expansions still newly released, public orders for current content aren’t going to flood in so much as everything has been on the auction house.

That wasn’t a TWW public order that you saw because materials HAVE to be provided.

I clicked “current expansion”. The only other crafting item that has “deadly” and “amber” in it is Deadly Amberblaze from BFA but it wasn’t that and it required me to have an ambivilant amber and I needed a gemcutter to make it. Which are TWW reagents.

Top mythic raiders are also saying that they CBA to level professions. It is just to complicated.

You can play pve for sure but you can’t play pve, ah and max out your professions like in the past.

I only buy on the AH if Im rushing.
Been a while since I pulled a 9 hour day, though, lol.
Thankfully I dont play any content that my professions are needed for, so no pressure …taking it as slow as I want.