Professions: The Chore Within

sounds like a strawman to me.

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You want removal of soulbound essentially.

That’s a fundamental aspect of WOW.

I want to be able to make, sell and send high lvl gear to myself, the AH or my alts. I don’t see the problem here. Mythic exists for the mashochists. THAT is the end game gear.

Literally anything even remotely worth making is BOP. The head, chest and shoulders this character is wearing came from renown and is as good as the base BS item.

They can also remove craftable epic items instead. Profs never got to craft relevant gear until the crafting order system.

And I guess the ancient resistance gear for MC or Naxx.

That’s exactly what Blizzard implemented crafting orders for.

Guildmates can send personal orders to each other for end-game items, especially with enchanted crests being a thing. Enchanted crests make gear just shy 3 ilvls of the highest ilvl in the game.

Except, the people that buy Tokens to buy mats are VERY MUCH sprinting … no … they are in a Ferrari and are outright RACING to that finish line and what awaits them is MILLIONS of gold that is going to be denied those “marathon” runners.

Sure, they’ll get there. When those same items that ARE selling for 25k+ will then sell for 600g.

It’s one thing to say this is VERY MUCH better than it was in DF (as long as we don’t have a Lariat item … which I haven’t seen yet). Because things are very much better than they were in DF.

But this part hasn’t changed. Actually PLAYING the game… is a losing effort. Buy Token, buy mats, PROFIT.

People that actually play the game … are in a dramatically worse-off position.

NO ONE should want this.

HA! Catchy Title. 10/10

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Yea, so crafters can interact with soulbound.

So your difference of protecting soulbound items is just having it ‘harder’ to obtain soulbound items across characters and alts? It’s not that hard, especially when you have a guild willing to help you along and you pay gold all the same.

It’s just a private auction house but you have access to normally soulbound items.

You actually have to play to get crafting advantages.

It’s trivial compared to the amount of time spent ACTUALLY gathering compared to Token->mats.

Your biggest time sinks where you HAVE to play are:

Gathering profession items (lol!)
Scraping together some Kej for 10 pts. (a modest effort, agreed … but it’s VERY modest)

And it’s true, you still acquire about 5-7 pts per week as random drops from playing the game. It takes … I dunno… 2-4 hours to get those points.

Now compare that with 40+ hours to farm enough mats to make decent progressions … when you can just buy a Token.

This is like comparing the output of a water hose to the downpour from a hurricane and saying “they’re both water.”

If you’re willing to invoke carries, why have soulbound at all? it’s a lot different from needing to be there vs spending gold and buying it outright. Soulbound has been a constant of WOW.

Also ability to craft is not a benefit. it’s a downside.

And Blizzard saw need to implement a way to work around it. Hence crafting orders, again. If you’re so afraid of player access to certain end-game things in “untraditional ways”, you can go take it up with Delves.

No, that’s giving crafters relevance. It’s not a benefit for anyone else.

so, uh, where are all the public work orders, then? Because I don’t see any. Seems like a perfectly working system that we needed.

Because there are so many crafters and people don’t need that many things crafted? Plus a fundamental flaw of being unable to specify quality.

Yeah mostly people are doing personal orders now between guildmates. I only see like 1 or 2 at best in the public category.

If people stopped trying to snatch up orders, you’d see a lot more. Like everyone can take out 4.

There’s a pretty restrictive limit to how many you can complete in a day… I don’t think they’re being snatched up that often.

Do you know how many people want to craft orders vs orders being issued? It’s probably outnumbered 10:1.

Even for niche items, wait time is like 2 mins. lol.