Professions: The Chore Within

Between selling mats and random BOEs I’ve made around 60k+


I didn’t start crafting until WoD where I picked up leather working. Before then it was skinning and mining .

Not a big fan of how crafting profs work . If higher end crafting gear was able to be put in the AH I would of kept it or been able to send to alts without having to deal with this stupid order system .


My sentiments, exactly.

I returned to playing last year and hate the changes to professions. I actually enjoyed working on professions as I leveled. It was fun being able to make myself usable gear to wear while leveling. There is no way in Dragonflight or War Within for someone questing, exploring, and gathering along the way to make items while leveling. In Dragonflight, I ended up having to purchase matts to level professions. I NEVER had to purchase cloth, ore, herbs, etc. to level from Classic through Draenor. I would occasionally go out and gather materials, which rewarded a reasonable amount of materials. In Dragonflight and TWW, gathering materials does not yield enough to make items. Only people who do nothing else but play WOW all day long, gathering materials will be able to level the profession. By time you have enough matts for an item, the item will be lower than the gear you get from quests or dungeons. This defeats the joy of making that really cool rifle or goggles on your hunter engineer, with materials you gathered along the way, and being able to use it in game. Blizzard has destroyed professions.


Yeah I thought that was hilarious. I love to watch Blizzard’s attempts to bring something they think is innovative to the game crash and burn. It’s only purpose was to send crafted items that automatically would soulbound to the crafter to other players.

Because making them not soulbound so you could trade or sell them to other players wasn’t the answer, no no.

Sounds like you’re poor.

Enchanting is easy. I’ve dropped it and got it to 70 like…3 times now lol

Can you even fit through the door with an ego that big?


Because making them not soulbound so you could trade or sell them to other players wasn’t the answer, no no.

Because that means someone can swipe their way to end game gear.

Crafting orders prevents that.

And who does that affect, really?

You could go play one of the many cash shop mmos instead of trying to turn this into one.

Or go play Diablo Immoral.

professions are terrible and i make fun of anyone willing to go play into a stupid system such as that. They need to axe them already. Nothing worse than seeing profession spam and complaints about professions. It’s not even a real problem and has basically no impact on gameplay. All they do is provide a mediocre piece of gear with equal sub stats that typically wont be anyones BIS anyway.

who are you replying to?

You, you’re asking how making every end game item purchasable on AH affect the game.

? Prof items are likely to be BIS for 2 slots.
And realistic BIS for many more people.

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I’m sorry, but 593 is in no way endgame gear.

So you’re telling me you’ve been doing all those normal and heroic raids without enchantments, flasks, potions and spellthreads?

Yeah don’t look like a fool saying something so hypocritical.

That’s why prof items go to 636 with best items at 639.

huh? where?

oh, with the sparks, or whatever. I still don’t see the problem.

You can go play a game where stuff is available without needing to play at all.

Why not do that?

Soulbound is something fundamental.

Same. I’ve been a gatherer since I guess BFA. That’s when I said to myself “nah crafting is boring “

But you can make some gold being a earnest gatherer.