Professions: The Chore Within

I did play 9 hours one day and I had only a handful of greens. Like 5.


dust is pretty extreme but you’re also trying to max the prof week 1.

I didn’t have to craft feast to max cooking, anything non fishing is the way to go.

I am a bit confused as to why it seems like there’s a soft cap of 65 for tailoring. I’m not a crafter so any suggestions on how to get to 100 somewhat painlessly that doesn’t take a month would be swell.

My problem with professions is the Patron craft orders. Acuity is hard to obtain but every lot of work orders has 3/4 locked behind spending 150 Acuity. So I can’t gain knowledge points without spending 150 Acuity on a recipe I may or may not get for another week in the orders, It’s so frustrating because right now 150 Acuity is a lot

I’ve been mining and blacksmithing my entire leveling experience and the whole time all I can think of is “Wow, I’ll be able to make gear that’ll be replaced instantly by greens or blues in dungeons”

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That has pretty much always been the case. Anything you can craft that isn’t tied to raids or other end-game content is fundamentally DE fodder.

Once the value of mats drops to the point most are no longer worth dumping on AH as quickly as you get them, crafted stuff can be a decent way to boost alts for leveling that haven’t been decked in pre-launch 480+s.

I think professions for a while now have just made the rich richer and everyone else just buys tokens

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I’d been doing dungeons, farming cloth and juggling the campaign all together pretty much for the past days AND collecting things from treasures. When I’m usually done after 5 to 6 hours of playing I only got 2 or 3, 4 if I’m lucky, green quality drops.

Across only one or two out of those days I would see more than one drop though.

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I made those epic plate shoulders on my BS. I forgot literally everything is BoP now. At least I got a different color shoulder mog, I guess. Colossal waste of mats though. I will never not be pissed at how they ruined professions.


Hey, alchemy in Skyrim is fun though.

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It’s pretty brutal, I agree. Leveling JC this xpac has been painful.


Just stash or sell mats at this point IMO, in later months buying what you didn’t gather yourself will be cheaper too

I feel like this whole profession change was purely to drain masses of gold from the general population, knowing most people wouldn’t power through to finish their crafts and just give up after blowing all their gold and never touching it again. Going into the expansion with several account caps worth of gold is going to help a heck of a lot because sourcing mats is so outrageously tedious

I just want to supply my alts with stuff. It’s just a pain in the rear to do everything over and my interest level just drops into the basement when I look at how expensive leveling it is and I refuse to buy another token


I just want to make something of value and post it on the AH, as well as sending to alts.

I despise having to go to a specific type of workbench, as a BS, every time I want to make something. I also have no use for two of the new ores as a BS. Bismuth is they ONLY ore I have used thus far. I’m this close to just giving up on making anything and selling mats as I gather them.


I dropped leather working and picked up mining to go along with skinning .

Best decision ever . Now I’m making gold like crazy.

… with arbitrary time-gating. On profession knowledge.

I really dislike the DF/TWW profession system. I thought BFa/Legion was just fine. You learned the profession. There were better versions of recipes that you could get by doing various things out in the world. Those recipes just used less mats.

Public orders died in DF a long time ago. So getting anything crafted was tedious.

Plus the whole enchanted crests thing was more tedium just to make a given profession “useful”.

Ultimately getting something crafted turns into combining your time-gated thing (eg a Spark) with money to make an item. That money goes to buying the mats on the AH. You can farm them yourself but that’s the same thing because you could just as easily sell those mats for money.

It’s just a really annoying way of buying gear from a vendor, like the vendors who traded tier tokens for gear.

I took a look at the prices and they didn’t seem high enough to give up mats I could be using and didn’t bother posting anything. Maybe I should look again.

I guess that’s waht I need to do, then. I have a lot of history with BS. HAd it since TBC. Need to recraft dragonmaw and stormherald so I can at least have the mogs before I drop it. What a shame its come to this.

the mats will sell as quickly as you post them.

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