Professions are in a terrible state, no revamp in TWW

My brain. 99.99% of people will not make profit off professions, and are better off going alchemy for 2x flask duration, as it’s the only profession with a “perk”.


I’d really like them to remove the alchemy flask perk, and reduce material costs of all alchemy consumable in exchange.

So they can be 5g per flask instead of 17g?


Flasks will not be 17g at the start of TWW.

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In the hundreds of gold right?

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Very likely tack a zero onto that 17, yeah, that will be more in the ballpark.

And they’ll still be expensive 3, 6, 12 months after launch.

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I don’t remember what it was when DF started. Probably higher due to how new the system was. I don’t do so difficult content that requires phials that early.

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Expensive flasks/potions started with Legion, when they quadrupled the materials required.

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Do you think 99.9% of players profited with the old profession system?

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I think that population is too much of a factor. You HAVE to be a on a high pop server so that the work order system works.

Sending work orders to myself just to get some points and keep up was not a fun game.


They generally do. This is how professions have been designed since wod, complete change for each new expansion. They didn’t like having to build on the old. It’s apparently more fun to design a new system. But it saves money to reuse the old one if it’s meeting their expectations.

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They feel like a full time job. A confusing full time job.


I don’t like the new profession design. It’s like up to chance some of it, the different qualities it can come out, the different material qualities.

It’s sort of … dumb.


I’m on a low pop server and it works. It can be sparse at times, but I still get crafting orders.

And on my server, I love that every time I ask someone to do their best to rank 5 it, they write back, “I got u fam!” and I always get a rank 5.

I’d love to see region wide crafting orders, but people keep telling me that’s bad. I still have yet to get an answer as to why.

I’d love for everyone to get tipped in a certain bracket depending on item crafting difficulty and make requests require all mats again, then open it region wide.

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If I craft something IRL, like a resin or clay project… I’m not guaranteed to have it come out as well as I want it to. And it takes time, practice and learning new things to get to where I want to be in that crafting.


Probably because we’d end up having all the crafting done by a cartel based on Area 52, with carnival barkers on every other server advertising.

Think the cross-realm carnival barkers we have now, advertising carries, but cranked up a hundred times over.


I can tell you for a fact that miners were not making 100,000s of gold the first couple of weeks unless they were spending multiple hours a day on a very active and wealthy server. I’ve mining exclusivly for 2-3 weeks at the beginning of every expansion since WotLK and my most profit vs time spent was in MoP. It really started going downhill from there.

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Ya you had to read it on wowhead . How many that did not went down the wrong trees that would be most players . Then you where stuck with “blank” for professions .


No, the in-game quests that explicitly laid out the entire process, explained every mechanic, and even pointed out some limitations such as the difference between personal and public crafting orders.

Blizzard can’t make ya’ll read the quests that you ignore.

No one. Because you couldn’t go down the “wrong” tree.
Player perception and a want to optimize our characters is an entirely different thing and Blizzard have no control or bearing on that. So no, there weren’t any “wrong trees” that players went down.

If us players want to follow guides in order to optimize then that’s on our head.

And again, no you weren’t.

Is it your hobby to misrepresent and lie facts? Because you certainly indicate that with your dishonesty here.

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Thank you for your comment , I will put my money on hold

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