Professions are in a terrible state, no revamp in TWW

as someone who really enjoyed making money with alchemy in previous xpacs.
tinfoil hat me thinks they ruined them on purpose so people had to buy tokens to get gold.


They’ve removed the RNG from item creation, changed the Talent Trees and provided NPCs for Crafting Orders, so it’s inaccurate to say there’s no revamp in TWW.


Only thing wrong with current system was the extreme rarity of highly desired pieces like lariat.


There literally is. Its called the huge chunks each patch.

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I mean, good? Getting rid of profession buffs was one of the good things to come out of WoD.

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Except that crafted gear wasn’t inferior to raid items and was widely used all expansion.


Id argue that professions are 10x better then they were at the end of BFA or Shadowlands. I personally don’t care about how much money you can make off professions as there’s not a whole lot of use for gold now. I pretty much use my money on enchants, flask, and repair bills…which doesn’t amount to much now. I think ive made maybe 300-400k this entire expansion and the only real expense Ive had was buying that augment rune. Ive also seen people make plenty of money off professions so I’m not sure what your talking about when you’ve got people selling just the craft itself, mats not included, on specific items for 5-20k. I’m a cheap skate so that seems crazy to me but people are finding a way to make money with professions.


i made millions with blacksmithing and mining.

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Does need a change

I did weekly profession quests every week tell I stopped playing retail about a month a go . alchemy got to 100 lvl but still was a crap shoot to get top rank only other one that hit 100% was mining on one toon . This is the first xpac that I just gave up on professions . I hate going to wowhead to look stuff up every time you want to do any thing . Not going to worry about TWW no plan on playing or buying it .

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Good thing you don’t have to do that.
You could’ve just read the tooltips. If you want a guide on how to optimize stuff then sure, but that’s always been the case. If you just want to, much like most other people who actually engaged with professions in DF, do your own thing then you just do your own thing.

Ya’ll who keep going “It is so bad” have yet to answer this one crucial question:
Why do you think it is a bad thing to have more engaging gameplay than to have something set and forget? If you don’t want to engage with professions, then you don’t have to. Just like before.


Okay. Were you doing all the other things every week that gave you free points, too? You would have maxed out the skill tree last year, if you had.

There’s a lot more to getting profession points than just the weekly quest.

Which is largely irrelevant, all the action is in the skill trees, now.

Were you using Insights? You get free artisan mettle every week so there’s no reason not to.

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Reading? These people need addons to tell them what buttons to press and where to stand.


I’m honestly sad that you are probably not even going far enough with saying that. You have no idea how many people I have encountered who didn’t know that there were quests in DF that explicitly explained every aspect of the crafting system and order system in DF.

People genuinely don’t read things, and most of folks complaints that they have with the profession system is literally that. Folks just get random quest objectives and rewards and don’t think two seconds about what they actually did. That’s why there’s so many folks who have said that they have no idea how the crafting system works.

So… yeah.
You honestly didn’t go far enough with what you said.


I don’t know how professions works now…
How is this mess an improvement?

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Did you just not pay attention to the quests where they teach you everything?

There’s even a quest where YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN HOW IT WORKS TO THE NPC.


Literally read my message … just above you.
Blizzard can’t really help folks who intentionally choose to not read things.


Yeah, because it’s not a benefit at all to be able to guarantee get the exact item you want, instead of waiting for a the vault to give you an item in that slot which is 3 ilvls higher and has probably worse stats on it.

The current form of crafted gear is the best gear BLP/supplementary gearing system blizzard’s ever given us by not even close.


Having played a lot with professions on beta there remain a number of issues but there are some significant improvements.

The significant improvements are
i) you can use the concentration mechanism to guarantee the next highest rank. This is great for solo crafters and much better than a proc based system.
ii) there is a catch up system that comes into operation after the first week. There’s a limit to the knowledge points you can get per week - so if you are behind the system will provide you with more opportunities to catch up until you do catch up.
iii) it is much easier to get to at least 75 in most professions and not get stuck.

There are still a lot of issues that may be improved before launch. The amount of herbs and ore you need for some professions is huge - and early on gatherers will not have the stats or knowledge to gather huge amounts quickly. Some professions dont have great rewards. The way you get weekly knowledge points still needs work (they are working on it). Some professions still seem to have big issues that need fixing.

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Not really.

First things first, it is really silly to say that 99.99% of players are using alchemy for 2x flask duration.

What data are you quoting to suggest this?

It seems that what you are actually saying is that, you yourself do some sort of endgame PvE content, either M+ or raids, and you feel you need to run alchemy to get 2x flask duration.

Even if other people do the same content as you, they may not feel that alchemy is the best profession. Technically, it is better to have ANY advantage of any other profession in addition to an alchemy flask.

The point you are therefore making is that you feel that alchemy is better for 99.99% of the player base because it saves YOU money, and that YOU (not any other player) have struggled to make money through the auction house.

You then openly admit that you don’t understand how crafting works, and are upset because you see other people making money. Just because a system is beyond what you can personally understand you cannot claim it to be pointless.

If your personal experience is one thing, that does not mean it is everyone else’s fault. Nothing in the game needs to change. You just need to learn how to craft, and stop blaming everyone else who is more successful than yourself.

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