Professions are in a terrible state, no revamp in TWW

Why are we leaving professions in their current state?
For 99.99% of players, the best profession is alchemy for 2x flask duration.
Nothing makes money unless you’re a social butterfly or 24/7 spam trade chat and use literal botting programs/cheats like TSM(That for some reason aren’t banned??).

Back in as early as Legion, I could craft some items, put them on the AH, and make profit.
Profit margins are extremely strict, basically 0%.

Food is <1% stats yet has so much you need to do to craft it that it isn’t even worth the effort.
Fishing is only used for food, and since food isn’t worth the time, fishing is also not worth the time.

The trees are convoluted and pointless.

I appreciate the effort put into crafting, but it’s an over-designed convoluted mess with no pay off for 99.99% of people. That’s called a bad system.


It’s more like real life this way. Most people hate their job.


Didn’t we just get a revamp in Dragonflight?

Do you expect them to overhaul the profession system every expansion?


There has to be some system, this one is a bit much.

My personal complaint are the tools that you have to get to top end.

My experience in DF was that by the time I got to the top end stuff and could make the best – I didn’t care anymore, I was over it and didn’t want to play the profession game.


I think they mean that this overhaul needs to be fine tuned. And it definitely does need some tweaking. :upside_down_face:


The new profession system is horrible and should be done away with.


There’s still zero catch up isn’t there?



Nope, they seem hellbent on never adding catch up while also selling 3 day head starts for $40.


Because they’re fun and immersive? I don’t know. But I love them.

Not everyone cares about that.

I make money just by randomly filling orders or selling mats. I don’t spam anything. I don’t even know why people spam things. I just see what orders are available and fill if I can.

It’s not botting or cheating. Might want to learn how TSM actually works.

The trees are a bit confusing but I love them.

And I think it’s well designed, but could use some tweaks.

Let’s stop throwing out baseless percentages because you aren’t happy.


Which is why they’re replacing Inspiration with Concentration and adding NPC Work Orders, both of which actually smooth out two of the DF rework’s roughest edges quite a bit.


You fall into that 0.01% OP was talking about, it’s probably more like 1% of folks like you who love the system

I am neutral since have had ample gold for a decade+ and just buy enchants/gems. The game also sends ample gold your way via dailies to burn on raiding/dungeon needs


Several miners, herbalists, and anglers made a few hundred thousand in the first few weeks of DF (if not more, I remember several fishers on my server making stupid amounts of money).

I made over 1mm gold just posting crap on AH and checking the table doing LW on this toon.

Several elemental reagent farms were profitable for well over a month.

Pvp patterns sold for several thousand gold a piece for most of the xpac.

For several months I would buy level 2 dirt cheap reagents and put crafting orders up for some of the crafting gear items I couldn’t make and then flip it on AH for a profit. I was making thousands a week off other people’s crafts because they didn’t check the AH…the tailoring items were a great example.

I mean, it ain’t perfect, but there is money to be made. Just don’t try and make it during the last season. This has always been the case :(.


I feel like the OP and many people in this thread do not even read what is happening for the next expansion. I feel like the OP just got on the beta and opened the prof window, did nothing, thought it looked the same, and then came on here and started whining with 0 info about what is happening.

THere is a catch mechanic. They have stated it many times and it will be started shortly after release. which they have stated MANY times. Also they fixing the order system, which they have stated many times. By making NPC’s send you orders.

Do your research and get correct info before crying.


My main is Engy/Mining. I’ll keep doing that on him for completionism sake, but no alt will ever have professions again. DF ruined it that much for me. Way way too convoluted and grindy.


While they weren’t perfect and they are tweaking a lot of the problems in TWW, I thought the Dragonflight professions were by far the most interesting and useful they’ve ever been.

I maxed them all, both skill and knowledge points and was able to make gold with all of them and I don’t use TSM.


This right here.

I felt like professions were much more immersive and impactful this expansion. People actually needed crafters for BiS and upgrades.

I did have some issues with limited or capped knowledge especially in the beginning, and/or no catch-up mechanics, but I think my biggest gripe is not being able to do cross-realm crafting orders, especially being on a small server.

I sat for two days spamming trade looking for lariat recrafts, even though I have a list a mile long of people on my server cluster(s) who can do them… just none of them online. And it’s not like my request was missed in trade chat - trust me when I tell you NO ONE talks in our server’s trade or trade services channels, like, ever - so it was just me every few minutes looking, during prime time.

And maybe that is more about the notorious scarcity of the lariat recipe, but the combo of that + small server = a lot of time spent sitting in town waiting vs. playing the game. With the upcoming change to guilds being cross-realm, I suspect this issue will correct itself soon enough, hopefully.

I think professions got a major facelift this expansion for the better. We definitely need some tweaks on a few things to improve QoL, but the changes overall were a huge improvement to what we had.





Problem with Blizzard, they go to one extreme to the other. Did professions need an overhaul where they way too easy before DF of course.

But then they turn it into a grindy freaking mess…


I spent so so long looking for an inscription to recraft a staff in S2 that I finally just took a weapon upgrade from the vault and pitched the crafted item.

They absolutely do need to add a way to get retracts to/from non guildies when people are playing Alts.

If I’m in veldrakken and all the scribes are on Alts or in the world doing content (gasp), there is a communication issue.

I was offering like a 10-15k tip at the time too. It was redonk.


Yeah pretty much this. Not perfect but a huge improvement, and based on what I’m reading from others who are in the beta and more in the know than me, it looks like a lot of the little QoL tweaks I mentioned earlier are already being addressed and it will be a lot smoother in TWW. So I’m really looking forward to that! Even with some of the rough edges I still managed to make gold with all of my professions and I don’t use whatever TSM is.

I will also say that the updated crafting system has helped me make some positive connections in-game. It feels good to have people seek you out because you made something for them before. I wish we had a better way to keep track of crafters and/or their other crafting alts built-into the game, though, just to make it easier.

Edit: Yes, Softpaw! I agree!