Professions are in a terrible state, no revamp in TWW

Warbands could allow this, they should just make profs warband bound.


One of the things I miss from old professions was the ability to have alts cover things like enchanting and alchemy for my main. Now the amount of work it takes train an alt pushes me to the AH. I’d like to see Blizz completely remove ranks from enchants, phials, pots, and missives. Leave them on gear if we really need to make crafting gear feel like an end game activity.

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They are adding a catch up system in TWW, along with the NPC crafting orders to help finish leveling up.

Personally I enjoy the crafting the system and am glad its being kept and improved on.


Yea, when I switched between my shaman and rogue, it was irritating trying to keep up leatherworking between them. I got aggravated and just completely gave up. And then I started playing a priest for a bit and it made my tradeskills fall even further behind.

If they are going to keep the current system, they need to fix this. At least make the secondary character have 80% of the skill as the main.

What’s the WW catch up system? This is the first I’ve heard there’s going to be one.

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I agree 100% with this. Not rank 3ing a consumable is a dead consumable, no reason to even craft for yourself.


There was a blue response in the beta forums a little while back that didn’t have overly specific details but said there would be a catch-up system in place via npc work orders that would give knowledge points to catch you up to within a couple points if you get behind. I think I recall that being confirmed somewhere in a wowhead update but there’s so many I don’t recall if it was in some interview or something.

Edit, found the blue post: copy/paste
“NPC Crafting Orders is the primary method for crafting professions to earn specialization knowledge and Artisan’s Acuity in The War Within for all crafting professions (except for Enchanting, which earns their weekly points via Disenchanting items). Each profession has an allotment of knowledge points they can earn in a week (which varies from profession to profession based on the size of their specialization tree). These are delivered through a bi-weekly selection of orders, scheduled similarly to how World Quests populated during Dragonflight. Although specialization orders are generally tuned to be easier than other types, it is possible to be unable to satisfy an order with your given capabilities. Don’t fret! Whether you join the expansion late or had a rough time with a few orders, you may begin seeing catch-up orders as early as the following week. The cadence and quantity of specialization catch-up orders increases as you fall further behind to allow for rapid catch-up especially later in the expansion’s lifecycle. These catch-up orders are also typically much easier to fulfill by requesting more common recipes and cheaper reagents overall.”

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I won’t believe it until it’s live and TWW is live.

I like that you can craft high end ilevel gear for every slot. I hate that it’s all timegated and can’t be converted to tier.

Kind of like embellishments too, but I’ve heard others don’t like how they have to go somewhere to add them.

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fixed 3 times every time

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No orders on mu server for months at a time checking multiple times a day early on made me give up and somehow i doubt it improved.


They went a whole expansion without a catchup. I missed 4 weeks (Throughout the expansion), chose a few of the “wrong” talents, and watched myself fall behind. I was so infuriated I quit professions for the rest of the expansion.

Even if TWW fixes the issue I won’t forget what DF did.


I think DF system is great for gear profs like BS/LW/Tailoring, and it actually works great as progression pillar. But it’s too convoluted for consume crafting like Ench/Alch.

Traditionally consume crafting had been an easier passive money making mode as well as allow for alt crafting minigame. But DF made even consume crafting require a heavy investment, and that, combined with region wide AH that tanked prices, just made these profs unfeasible unless you reached gold craft level very early. It’s just much smarter to sell bare mats and buy consumes from AH.

I like what they do with crafting orders, and that will help gear crafting profs a lot, but I’m still worried about consume crafting long term. It’s still going to be worthless to craft your bronze/silver tier enchants after a few months when you can buy gold ones on a heavily discounted region wide AH.


I’m just sticking with gathering profs this time around… Being unable to posts crafts on AH is way too annoying.

aw man, you almost had me until this

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Personally, I love the new profession system, but I hate gathering knowledge points on each alt I have.

Even nowadays, there isn’t any catchup for KP in DF. Ugh.

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TSM is not a botting/cheat addon. There is nothing automated about it, a person has to be there hitting the keys to buy or sell things. You cannot seriously think an addon as popular as TSM was doing that sort of thing, and Blizzard hadn’t long since it banned it!

One thing I would change is to have multiple crafting spots and NPCs for lodging orders across the expansion zones. Having to sit in a single city or go to a single spot limits access and it would be good to be able to do the work at more locations.


Professions will always be terrible in a game with no-drop or BoP style loot.


Because nobody is going to work hard and pay money for upgrades which are both non-tradable and inferior to raid items.

You can’t really change this in world of warcraft because you’d have to rebuild the entire loot system. You’d need something more akin to oldschool Everquest, where top-tier loot was extremely rare but you could trade it. For example the Cloak of Flames from Nagafen would be like this season’s Voice of the Silent Star, only there were no tokens, you’d get 1-2 drops per week if you’re lucky… for the ENTIRE server… but they could be sold or traded away if you didn’t want to use equip anymore.

Take that system and add crafting that creates items which are of suitable difficulty and quality to those available in raids, and suddenly you have enough demand and scarcity to create a crafting system people want to partake in.

Right now World of Warcraft has a shell economy where you can only purchase services, consumables, etc.

Everquest obviously moved away from their original system, but that worked very poorly for them as it evidenced by WoW’s success.

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I know what they are changing and it is not enough, that’s why I’m grumpy.

Replacing Inspiration with Concentration is good but ignores the fact that the Quality system is infuriating. Let’s make everything take up triple the space in your bags and find more ways to be unsatisfied with a craft. Sounds fantastic… How about we get rid of Quality instead?

Having NPCs post work orders is, again, better than DF but is glossing over the huge mistaking of tying orders with knowledge points. If not enough people are posting orders, and knowledge acquisition suffers because of it, then maybe make the order system less frustrating and not connected to knowledge. Instead, we will have NPCs propping up a flawed system.

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Because they just did a revamp…

And calling TSM a cheat, when it isn’t and has the blessing of Blizzard, does nothing for your cause.

Though I agree that the current system sucks monkey sacks and would have like to see a revamp. But I knew it wouldn’t happen after it was just revamped.

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