Professions are in a terrible state, no revamp in TWW

Have you thought about pairing JC with mining? What a silly complaint.

“I made this really bad judgment call and that’s totally the game’s fault, not mine! Nope.”

And another person started with 40k gold, and worked their way to 4 gold caps.

JC is the least gold intensive prof for consistent profit.

Errrrr duuuuuu how do you think I got the ore?

Please read what I said. If you weren’t able to tell, based on the very very few words which I wrote, you would see that it was “40k gold worth” of materials. Not 40k gold.

40k gold worth of ore can be gathered in like an hour or two, it’s not that big of a deal, but still depressing.

Okay. So what are you complaining about, again?

I agree it’s too complicated and since DF I haven’t bothered doing professions at all. In Legion I was a teenager and made my first million gold with skinning/leatherworking. I just think they need to go back to a simpler design, this current one is too off-putting to most players. Sadly, I doubt they’ll scale back after putting so much work into it.

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I find it so funny that OP was dooming so hard about professions yet they’re in a great spot right now.

I was just talking to my wife about how much better they felt this expansion

Only thing I’d like is 1 respec

Them being powerful in TWW should be proof enough that there was no need to make skilling up professions slow as hell.

Not true at all. There are still reasons to use professions even after max skilling them.

There’s knowledge points, crafting gear, flasks, e.t.c.

Making skilling up professions slow is part of the reason of why they can be so powerful. (But really, it isn’t slow.)

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how anyone enjoys this crafting is beyond me, feels awful. everytime i try to do anything nothing makes any sense. totally confusing. shouldnt need to alt tab and youtube a how to, game does an absolutely terrible job of explaining whats what.

how does it not make sense? Classes are more complicated to min-max than professions.

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Now it isn’t.

Back in DF, they sure as hell were.

The speed of prof leveling hasn’t changed really between the two expacs.

Your last 20 points are limited to sparks or acuity crafts usually (for gear making profs.)

Others get easy access to 100.

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you mean “Hero Talents” 1.0 where we had double the options than what they JUST gave us in TWW? :joy:

In the case of Engineering. It most certainly did.

I got it maxed earlier this week.

In DF, it took me literal months because I had to use knowledge points (which also mind you are a slow drip to acquire) to spec into the ticking crate tree.

asking someone to explain something they dont understand is uh… ridiculous. does that need to be explained too ? your condescending remark comments are so very helpful.

If you don’t understand, made no effort to understand, why should your opinion be worth anything?

i see you enjoy being a nasty person. have fun with that


Feedback from people who don’t try to engage with a system and find that system too difficult as a result are not worth listening to.

Just turning on the computer and navigating the desktop requires some knowledge.

yea. Thats on blizzard., not the people with the profession. THe fact I have to log onto a different character and send a crafting request to my main for a piece of gear, is ludicrous and more complication than should be necessary to get my alts geared in better than RNG dungeon gear. NOt to mention so many recipes are locked behind renown requirements, just like rep back in the day.

I HATE professions now. I am not enjoying the whole professions points system. Especially because you CAN screw up and choose the “wrong” trees. This isn’t the same as choosing hammers over swords back in TBC Blacksmithing.

I am sitting at 77 blacksmithing. There is NO way for me to advance that unless I craft some stupidly expensive BOP gear or some equally expensive patron work orders. I haven’t even touched professions on my other characters. I came back near the end of DF and the game does a !@#$ poor job of explaining the work order system and how to use it. Doesn’t help that NO ONE was using public work orders at the end of DF. Hell, I don’t even see them now.

It doesn’t matter that we can craft gear to take into a raid, to get replaced with the first drop we get. The tier system of not just mats, but also the end craft is AWFUL to experience. The concentration system is akin to some free mmo crafting garbage. Who the hell is buying anything made with t1 mats?

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