Professions are in a terrible state, no revamp in TWW

The complaints about professions come from people who don’t understand how professions work.


Which is why they are so good in there current state. It filters all the people that can’t be bothered to learn how they work.

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I couldn’t agree more.

Brewa has defended these professions day and night.

No. You just don’t understand the complaints.


It’s their shtick to add inflammatory one liners. They’ve been on my ignore for months.


Oh I know but I feel like they genuinely like this weirdness called professions.

Some other people have also defended it so badly. It’s so weird.

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If you leveled a crafting prof to max you would know enough about how it works. There are many things about current profs that could be improved. Just because you disagree doesn’t make you correct.

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Hilariously, the most common and saddest complaints in DF were from people complaining they “couldn’t” level up their profession.

I’ve been playing since 2009, leveled all professions, and collected all recipes until Dragonflight. My vaults were filled with those 1/2/3 items plus all those other needless, non-currency-required items to buy pets, mounts, and mogs. I didn’t bother getting my profs to 100 in DF and don’t plan on it in TWW either.


But so easy to make gold in DF/ TWW

I hated the system in DF - really put me off - and in TWW I decided to give it a college try - but it’s just impossible. I find it over-complicated, unrewarding, and I have to pay outrageous prices just for different quality vials - with these different upgrades and recipe additions - it’s killed the joy for me. I had hoped they would have lightened the bloat but no such luck. Half the things I learned in alchemy were potions to help me with some facet of alchemy - it’s unbelievably ridiculous and unsatisfying (for me of course). Others may find a better experience but the guy that comes home after work - this isn’t doing it for me at all.

What for?

I’ve done everything so far with just the 1-star vials.

imo WoD was the last expansion to have good professions.

I was trying to do the crafting orders quest - none of the orders were one star, all 2 or 3 so I needed to purchase 2 star vials from the AH - just the principle of it turned me off - we used to be able to always buy the vials we needed from the alchemy npc - now a basic staple is in the hands of another profession and while I’m sure prices will eventually come down - I was like, nah, not doing this.

I can’t speak for all other professions but Engineering imo feels a hell of a lot better in TWW than it did in DF.

  1. There is no ridiculous time-gating to leveling it.
  2. The Khaz Algar Wormhole Generator can go to specific zones without me having to spec into a section of profession knowledge
  3. I no longer have to rely on crafting orders for skilling it up.

And nobody could ever construct an argument as to how slowing down profession leveling was beneficial to the system in any way.

Orders from the npcs needs to be toned down cu not everyone can do 3 star or more.

1 star is the way to start it

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I remember even back in BFA noticing things like cooking recipes starting to have too many mats and I don’t know why I keep coming back and trying to level it. It just gets worse every time. Now turning 5 steaks into 1 ingredient is just laughable.

Are they ever going to hit a wall where they say, “Okay, it’s grindy and convoluted enough now!” Or is it just going to go more and more silly? How much more silly can it even get I wonder!? :grimacing:

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Use concentration to bump to where the patron order wants you to be. That’s what it’s for.

Sure they could: Profession products are now the most powerful they’ve ever been. Profession-crafted gear was never as strong, or as widely used, as it was in Dragonflight. And will be, again, in TWW.

The days of “I spam greens to get to 100 skill and then don’t use the profession at all for the next 2 years” are gone. And good riddance.

If you want to crank out tons of crap that nobody wants and listed it on the AH, you can. But that was never a good idea and still isn’t.

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Yeah I wasted about 40k worth of mates leveling jewelcrafting and… for no reason at all lol.

Complete waste.

I will stick to Herb/Mine on all my characters and just not bother with this nonsense.