Professions are in a terrible state, no revamp in TWW

They’ve absolutely gutted mining/herbing…

For the last 20 years mining/herbing was S-tier professions in the early game, a quick way to make gold before the bots inevitably took it over. In TWW these professions were dead F-tier from the very first days…

what a joke.


You have to make the conscious decision to sit in a city and spam chat channels for customers. That’s F tier and a problem. If I want to craft something it’s gonna be where I want when I want, and not lose out because I’m trying to play content rather than sitting in a chat channel at certain hours botposting like I saw people do all of DF.

Let me shove everything on AH and not argue and get harassed by crafting cartels or fight AHK spambots posting on a timer all xpac long. This is what I saw all last xpac and developers are blind to this. I know I’m not alone as using the search feature shows hundreds of of the exact same complaint.

If I want to sit in a city and spam chat channels and join abusive cartel communities I might as well become a raid or m+ booster at that point. That I have no interest in either.


Really? People aren’t buying herbs and ore?

I find it hard to believe that the profession changes, which reward players for using higher quality crafting mats, are going to make gathering less profitable. Those rank 3 materials actually are very useful now!

The value of herbalism/mining is bringing in maybe 25% of what dragonflight herbing/mining was bringing in for the first few days.

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Dragonflight didn’t have an early access. Wait a bit.

I feel like that may be part of the problem, but they’ve changed the professions, you no longer get the better quality stuff by just gathering, and the nodes, to me, seem to be FAR more abundant.

you’re basically just spending hours and hours farming scraps.

It doesn’t matter our feedback. The devs put too many resources into this “revamp” so they cannot back it out without someone getting fired.

It’s going to be here for a few more xpacs before they implement another panic redo of things.


Are things not commanding high prices during EA?

You do get some high quality stuff while gathering, it’s just much rarer now. And I think it being rarer means that the high quality stuff will be very valuable once people start needing to craft things at maximum quality in Season 1.

I’ve invested my early points into skill bonuses and I’ve already noticed an increase in how many high quality materials I get, and I’ve only just started gathering.

From Shadowland the professions is bad state.

It only serves to make gears for AH, good for earning a lot of gold, but it is bad for the advantage that it gave before to the profession we chose.

especially in professions like engineering and inscription, they are almost useless to use, only a few usable items, but after that, it doesn’t give an advantage, and in Shadowlands and DF it was the worst for an engineer.

That is why how will the situation be in TWW since it is only leaving what there was in DF, and believe me it only gave an advantage to professions that give gears like Leatherworking, blacksmith, tailor, and jewel that was the most seen in AH that enchanting and Alchemist give in consumables.

How interesting. I wonder if demand is lower simply because half (more, I hope) of the player base isn’t playing yet.

Ya, I have 77kp in herbalism and 66kp in mining… you do get “some” better quality stuff, but even the 3 star better stuff is selling for crumbs compared to what it typically does on an expansion launch.

Like I said last week:

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#1 Reason why I’m not buying TWW. Even with my own $$.

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Prices are pretty low on ea compared to previous expansions. It gives the impression that a fairly large % of the player base aren’t engaging with the market yet. Downside, no bots filling up the supply side, would make things even cheaper.

Perhaps, but If I had to guess, typically those players that would be buying up the material market at crazy first day prices are the sweats who would no way not be buying early access.

I hope you’re right though… regardless either way the herbing/mining market always crashes about 5 days in… I think we just wont be seeing crazy day 1 prices anymore.

Sounds good to me!

I never did this outside of the first week or two in DF and I wouldn’t even spam it. I posted once every hour or so. That’s far from “spamming”. Other people’s mileage may vary I suppose.

I also didn’t run into any crafting cartels or AH spambots other than one player who obviously used auto posting but he was driven out after a couple weeks. I’m on an RP server cluster, so maybe it’s just as big of a problem.

I definitely never experienced or had to do what you’re claiming though and I made a lot of money in DF.

You got lucky then.

That said use the search function and you’ll see hundreds of threads by other players expressing the same issue. It’s unfortunately not a one-off issue and it’s still bad design.

Every player I know turns off service chat now as it’s botspam filled.