[Profession] [Feedback] Profession Item Drop Rates

Hey all,

Still catching up on all the Blizcon hype but caught a thread I was reviewing and thanks to Torvald, figured I’d post here.

Gathering professions achievements in 10.1.7 are terrible

There’s a few other threads discussing gathering profession item drop rates and recipe drop rates for non-gathering professions.

My hope is that with the revamp of profession achievements, some of the drop rates will also be reviewed to be more inline with what should be expected. This could
remove some of the frustrations that gatherers and profession lovers in general can feel when encountering these issues.

I agree that current expansion drop rates should be a challenge but for older expansion recipes / quest items, a review and update would be greatly appreciated. Please ignore if already in progress :wink:



I would argue a couple things.

What benefit does this provide to any market, person, or resource acquisition except purely the ability to save you, as a player, large amounts of time farming this. Couple this with answer that it’s none of the above, why should everyone just coming into the game be given the means to complete with no due diligence.
Everyone up until this moment has been through the same tedious, terrible, frustrating grind. I’d say everyone that wants these completions should do the same.

To point out a couple things from that initial thread you listed.

Once you learn the spawn points of all the seams, you can do a permanent rotation around Suramar through caves and rivers. It’s still a long grind, there is no down time.

For those that aren’t aware. The philosophy to not award Goggles, Weapons, etc are all done because all of those items “could” have been crafted by any other player on your server at the time. The achievements don’t say to loot / have looted or equipped items.
Its just a safeguard for the way the achievements were implemented.

I feel that a good portion of the comments I read in those threads are much like the vast majority of the other cash-grab attempts at marginalizing content with out any actual substance backing it besides - specificially- “make this easier for me”

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If it’s meant to be a low drop rate and the intent is for it to be a grind, then sure, keep it as is. I guess for me that’s what this boils down to - questioning if this is the intended objective.

I have no qualms with returning and putting time into getting these as I’ve done other activities. I just don’t see a game shattering difference if other players received higher ranks for an older expansion resource in a shorter period of grinding and how that would so negatively affect the game.

Just a point for your arguements, on the flip side of making things easier for individuals, keeping various things as a grind also has a detrimental effect for people who come to enjoy the game and it can be silly sometimes to go through entire expansions with rng basically having a laugh at you. I believe there needs to be a decent balance and it’s why I question the drop rate I’ve experienced.

Sure we can keep things difficult like the achievement Going To Need A Bigger Bag or we could find a happy balance. I don’t necessarily want things to be easier but it also doesn’t have to be rediculously difficult shakes fist at zesqua.

Again, if the intent is to keep it at the current difficulty, that’s fine but some of these seem more difficult than what they should be which is why I wouldn’t mind it being reviewed.

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