Professions feedback (rng drops are garbage)

I chose alchemy/herb, along with cooking so I could make all the consumables I need. I did this to save myself money and support my game play. In cooking there are a number of recipes that are drops from fishing up draconic recipes in a bottle. I’ve fished enough to get the otto mount and all of the tuskarr fishing upgrades. Out of all the bottles I’ve opened rnjesus has given me blacksmithing, inscription and other completely useless and worthless recipes (AH had loads that were around 100g), meanwhile the recipes I want/need for cooking continue to evade me. Interestingly enough they are on the AH ranging from 10k-130k. I am not paying that for recipes, especially when there is no way they’ll pay for themselves. These drop rates are wrong, these recipes need to be purchasable through training, or the drop rates cranked up so we can get them. The pricing is out of control because of rng and we all know rng is not fun. I don’t enjoy rng in the vault, I don’t enjoy rng in cooking or alchemy. These systems feel awful as a player, when Iput time into my toon I should feel a sense of accomplishment or progress, as it is I spend time trying to improve my toon and continually get stymied by rng. I should note that after the alchemy fixes, my toon went from 62 after 2 weeks of frustration to 100 in a single day. Broken systems are not fun. Please address the recipe drops or make them obtainable in other ways.

I find it odd that you managed to fish up all the upgrades and don’t have the cooking recipes which drop like crazy. I have already received multiples of most of them and for the life of me I can’t get those upgrade items to drop.

they are obtainable other ways - the auction house which you refuse to use.

Also there is one quest chain that allows you to pick one of four of them. So two other ways.

i know the pain
but crafting the same items to get the free recipe/schematics or plans is rng heavy

I’ve not had a single recipe bottle so far lol

I’m an altoholic cook:(

I have every cooking recipe (rng related) but the one you get from the soup… sad times

Try fishing for the tuskarr upgrades in the molten pools that spawn at (34.50, 63 ) in the waking shores. The molten pools I’ve had drop 3 in one pool. I jumped to other servers with elemental storms, dragonbane keep raids, or key farms. The drop rate for molten pools is insane, the other pools barely ever drop anything. I found 95% of mine in those molten pools. And I’ve gotten a lot of bottles, they just gave me recipes I can’t use and don’t see for much.

so molten is better then highlands?

I don’t actually Believe that is true.

I had multiple items dropped from frozen fishing spots… But I think Rng is rng

molten pools I’ve had several times where I got 3 different special drops out of the same pool. I never saw that in any of the other locations. I fished the molten pools exclusively, I have all the upgrades, I don’t know what else to say.


Oh, I never fish from those because it hurts my eyes but I will try thanks.

I just flew there to confirm is the “overheated” magma pools, the normal magma pools have a terrible drop rate like everything else.

was in the molten pools and holy cow i am almost done with the first part of upgrades

glad to help you out, after you get everything upgraded you can turn in the extras for more rep with the walrus people. I think it is similar to the weekly fish turn in where the first rewards a lot with subsequent turn ins giving a very small amount. I’m going to turn in more next week to find out.

i saw

I can’t see these :frowning: only the magma thresher pools because they are marked on the map. I have to play with my graphic settings really low so maybe that is the problem.

Professions have potential but definitely need looking at.