Profanity in 9.2.5

mmm I remember my mom putting soap in my mouth when she was trying to get “Satan” out of me 🫠

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whenever someone told me “bless your heart darling” when I was living in my old state it gave me the warmest feeling of comfort.

I’ll see myself out now.

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That’s the southern way of calling someone stupid without saying they’re stupid.

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:rofl: Lmao


Ima start using that more now

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My kids are chomping at the bit to get in the pool.



I love that movie

Good luck!

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Have fun. Enjoy it

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You just said the “h” word in your comment, i’m going to have to report you unfortunately , you agreed to the rules when you started playing the game that’s on you, not Blizzard.

(Better watch your typos there white knight)

Hey I have an idea…don’t use profanity against other players. It’s tough, I know. Challenge thyself.


Honestly, they should just make separate “safe space” servers for the whiny/crybaby types (the small minority that they are), while the majority of the playerbase stays on the existing servers. Either that or simply “divide up” the existing servers into the 2 separate categories, and let the player choose their server type right there on the server selection screen

It could look something like this, as far as the server selection screen goes:

  • "Adult" server type: just has a basic Ignore feature for players you don’t like and the standard reporting options for cheating/hacking/botting, but otherwise you’re expected to handle yourself/your arguments with other players like an adult, newer policing features like silence or the “new” 9.2.5 reporting options do not exist on these servers
  • "Safe Space" server type: this server type would feature all the newer rules such as silence, “social contract”, the new 9.2.5 reporting options, etc and is intended for that PG13 audience mentioned above

To prevent any conflict between the two server types, you simply wouldn’t be able to group up cross-server with a player from the opposite server type - an “Adult” server player can’t invite a “Safe Space” player to a pug, and vice versa. So both sides stay separate, similar to how War Mode PvP-enabled players simply can’t “see” PvE players at all.

Seems like everyone would be happy… although I get a hunch that the “Safe Space” servers would be relative ghost-towns in terms of population numbers :laughing:


The report-happy goons are already here, and there are already a million ways to get their attention. If players have not experienced encounters with these players up to this point, what do they expect to change?

Transparency is a thing. It’s valuable when someone cherrypicks a post from one thread and drops it into another thread, without context.

(For the record, you didn’t lead off by calling me “this fool” right off the bat, which does earn you points.)

It’s probably a good thing that it’s not allowed as in RL I curse a lot. Mostly as a form of astonishment and occasionally at a boss that upsets me.

WoW is still a family friendly game the way I see it.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Yall out here writing an essay on just being kind to another person.

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If thats what blizz is trying to turn this into than its no wonder a lot of the darker tones like with wrath naxx arent around anymore. Disappointing. Those tones added to the atmosphere.

Completely irrelevant.

His argument gains nothing, and you gain nothing, from his achievements and possible link to his main being on show. Other than the potential to lead politicized lemmings to bother him during his usual gameplay, of course.
Thus applies to me as well, I just don’t care.

Given that their reason for leaving is entirely their personal experience up to today, their personal experience is relevant.

If they have no negative experience, they’re just assuming they will, and they’re assuming that based on what?

I have zero interest in his achievements or yours. The point is conversations, the posts. If the social contract is going to cause people to receive a surge in behavior-related actions - the things he’s going to do and say independent of his achievements - why would I give a crap about his achievements?

I also have zero interest in his political leanings, as the context of the original post would prove. They’re welcome to stop injecting their political paranoia into the conversation but they think they’re culture warriors defending something they didn’t make from the people who actually make it, while paying those people to complain about it.

Yeah being nice and not swearing is an anathema to people here. :person_shrugging:

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i am going 2 type the frick word