Or aggravation, maybe frustration.
And, you know, just for the record since it apparently matters, this is coming from someone who doesn’t hide their profile. Even posts on their main, no less! I must be sitting on a wealth of internet good boy points with this sparkling behavior.
I suppose on my behalf I try to make profanity more of a positive thing instead of inherently negative or wrong. I don’t use it often – it’s not every other word, but it slips up occasionally and that just happens.
It’s Blizzard’s sandbox so they get to make the rules and be final arbiter on how those rules are enforced and who deserves to be actioned. The only say we get in this is whether we continue playing or not.
You could call me the c word and I’d laugh.
I can’t be around soft ppl.
We truly all have our own kind/tribe. Aye?
Companies that do that tend to lose more revenue than they think they’ll earn.
A self respecting company would do whatever they wanted and not cater to politics and be authentic. If people saw that, they’d spend money. As it stands now, no company is authentic anymore.
Why aren’t we friends? lol you’re me
Two peas of a pod
Honestly at times people who don’t cuss even on extreme occasions scare me.
I’ll defend FF on the anime argument. The game itself isn’t necessarily anime, but the people in it generally do like anime. It’s one of those “You’re not wrong but you’re right” type situations.
I’ll also say the FF “Be nice to each other” memos feel so fake. Do they really have some high level executive who cares about the player? Is he genuinely upset that players are being mean to each other? How can you run a company on emotions?
It is a thing though. FF players are encouraged to be friendly. That flag button will get you reviewed and they will suspend you. It’s borderline ridiculous really. And honestly, not a place for the average WoW player. Not because we’re toxic, but because we live in reality. And reality is, the internet is a toxic place.
I’ll try to do my part as well. I mostly substitute. One of my favorites is “Shut the front door.” Or just the shorthand “Shut the… ”
I used to aggressively use. “FOR THE LOVE OF BABY ANIMALS.” in school.
Ive learned in my 30 plus years that someone who doesn’t cuss at least once is hiding something.
I find myself shouting “god bless America” when I mean something way different a lot.
I just laughed out loud. Laughter is medicine. Ty
I remember hearing southern bells version. “Kiss my grits”
I try to spread mayhem and humor everywhere I go.
It’s weird how you all came together in positivity over cursing. I respect it.
I thought it was “bless your heart”. Isn’t that the southern way of saying “f u”?
Benn known to yell that on occasion as well.
That one too. I think it means that