Problem restoring character

Encountered an issue while trying to restore a deleted character. When trying to restore the character an error message comes up saying “There was a problem restoring your deleted character. Please try again later.” I have been able to successfully restore other characters prior to trying this character and after trying. Some suggestions say to fully log out of the game and even B-Net between attempts, still get the same error. Tried a UI reset, again the same error.

Character name is Roriana, Blood Elf Hunter. Character was deleted prior to the introduction of Warbands. I don’t remember the exact date but it was sometime after the first major content patch of DF.


Same issue,

Trying to restore Muddshark-Tichondrius (horde) , this character was deleted post Warband implementation.

The character I successfully restored was alliance on Stormrage, which was also deleted post Warband implementation.

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Same problem here. Able to restore some toons but one specifically it wont let me. I deleted him during remix. (he wasnt a remix created toon)

Character restore freezes and crashes the game still

Same issue. Bumping.

Same issue here.

Bump, same error in one character specific, deleted way before remix/warband but tried to restore and it gave mne the error. I opened a ticket but it’s says it’s been a 24 long wait and increasing

Same issue here.

I can restore every character I have ever deleted except for one. My Hunter. Gives me that same error “There was a problem, try again later”.

Been trying for a while now, restored every other character, they are the only one I can’t restore. I have no idea why either.

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any acknowledgment from the bug team anywhere? bueller?

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Same issue. Is the offering of the service actually a bug?

I have the same problem, and it’s the only character I’ve ever regretted deleting. It was a LONG time ago, but she’s still on the restore list. I deleted her RIGHT before all those old achievements went to account-wide, that’s how long ago it was lol. I haven’t tried restoring anyone else. Lilenya, Shaman on Cenarion Circle.

BUMP. Havent been able to restore a character due to this same issue. Sure wish blizz actually paid attention to the forums.

The same issue as well, I was able to restore some remix and retail characters, but I can’t restore the 2 I wanted to play during time walking this week.

A blue responded and is looking for specifics from people seeing this issue:

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Realm: Azjol-Nerub
Character: Concert (Alliance)
Level 32 Hunter
Attempted to restore 9/21/24 3:00PST

I was able to restore every other character I was looking for besides her.

Realm: Lightbringer
Character: Opalarion
Level 70 Hunter
Attempted to restore 9/21/24 7:45PM PST

Realm: Malfurion
Character: Lacheur (Alliance)
Level 54 Shaman
Attempted to restore 9/22/24 6:18 EST

Realm: Tichondrius-US
Character name:Pythono
Level 70 worgen death knight
Attempted restore at 22:40 9/22/2024

My mother is having the same issue, I think some characters got deleted by a bug and now it won’t let you restore them because she swears she didn’t delete that character since it was her main.

Realm: Blackhand
Character: Jalajin ; level 40 mage
Attempted to restore: 24/09/24 ~06:04 PST

Realm: Moon Guard
Character: Riennen ; level 40 druid
Attempted to restore 24/09/24 ~06:00 PST

Realm: Wyrmrest Accord
Character: Kandrius ; level 32 shaman
Attempted to restore: 24/09/24 ~06:21 PST

Realm: Wyrmrest Accord
Character: Khandrius ; level 32 paladin
Attempted to restore: 24/09/24 ~06:22 PST