Problem restoring character

Realm: Rune totem
Characters: Haymesh and Calinei
Attempted to restore : 24/9/24 -0524 Pm

Realm: Wyrmrest Accord
Character: Athaer
Attempted to restore: 4:56AM 9/26/24

Got the same problem.

Paladin named Ominara from Nemesis. Tried restoring it multiple times. Tried a few different actions as well, like deleting characters with the same name, restoring others, even with characters from other servers and nothing worked. The same issue occurs no matter what.

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Bump still not fixed XD

Still not fixed. All i want to restore is my first druid on Khazgoroth, but i get the error message each time. my shaman has been deleted and restored 3 times now so it’s some arbitrary or random problem