Problem: new 60's can't find attunement groups

That’s one of the reasons they added multiple difficulties and removed attunements in WotLK. Nobody wants to be a feeder guild. People want to progress through meaningful content, not be the minor leagues for “real” guilds while farming BWL forever because they can’t keep tanks around.

Sorry, but our guild actively works on getting our new 60s attuned, it is a benefit to the guild. If we do it, I am sure plenty of others do as well. Maybe your guild just sucks and has selfish members?

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One of the most memorable things I had happen in this game was completing BC attunes and getting Hand of A’dal. Difficult attunements give a sense of accomplishment.

I enjoyed completing my ony attune much more than touching a rock in BRD for Molten Core.

I love difficult attunements. What I don’t love is doing that difficult attunement every single week for the entire expansion because there are always new players that need to be attuned, and players don’t have the ability to attune themselves.

So instead of focusing on progress, 10 to 20 or more of us are focusing on doing that attunement…then doing that attunement again…then doing it again…and again…and again…

I dont think this guy is has even joined the LFG channel on his server… Especially cause people want that Ace of Beasts, i see people posting all the time for full ubers. I always see Ace reserved for the run though but they are full clears. Also i see specifically “ubrs attunement run”

But that’s Whitemane

Nobody likes BRD prison break though.

If you want harder raids, then Retail is waiting for you.

i cant lol enough of this

i did my attunements 2 weeks ago with a bunch of strangers and my guildies


You’re talking to someone who rolled their first Classic character 8 months after launch. If anything, I’m annoyed that everyone steamrolled through the content this time around. If this was the original launch, I’d have no problem finding legit groups for lowbie dungeons, and forming a new MC guild, even this late into the game.

So no, I don’t mind doing jailbrack after I’m attuned to Ony… and people LOVE Kara and willingly play it, and attune each other’s alts for it. The only issue here, if any, is that we are playing Classic too quickly and we all need to take a deep breath, slow down, and enjoy the experience.

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dare you guys to make an alt, hit 60, and try to find a pug attunement group. It doesn’t exist, even on medium+ pops which were full pops in vanilla equivalent wise. You will see that i am right when you can’t find a group.

If you’re in a good guild that actually helps do stuff like that congrats for you. Stay in it they are rare. These days everyone is farming, leveling alts, pvp’ing, or JUST LOGGING ON FOR RAID TIME) Even alts in the guilds don’t want to bother doing it which honestly surprised me.

Fingers crossed people don’t quit b/c sooner or later you will run out of replacements.

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I hit 60 3 weeks ago, im attuned gone through my pre bis and getting stuff out of bwl by the grace of my guild. I had no problems finding people to help me do attunment stuff. i still daily run brd trying to get a hoj drop, never a problem finding a group.

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The exception does not prove the rule. The meaning and purpose of a guild has drastically declined since 2005. Most guilds going now have a core group of friends and are rarely into helping new recruits. It’s just the way of things in 2020.

That’s not true, in bfa I could see a tightly knit 10 man heroic guild doing that, but not in vanilla where you have to field a 40 man roster and you’re guaranteed some churn as the months go by. Between alts and new recruits, and at least 40 people in your group, its easy.

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my level 44 just joined a raiding guild. not my main’s guild.

i guarantee if i struggle to do jailbreak at 60 they’ll help me.

Im sure someone will help you for the right price.

Even in a good guild it can be tough to get attuned. So many people are spending all their time raiding and farming mats to raid, they just don’t have an hour or two to help out. You basically have to do it on off hours/days with other people who have the free time and who are willing to help.

It cuts the pool down significantly, for sure. Now add in that some classes have a few BiS items in instances and will only run those instances, taking people away from attunement runs. Tough stuff.

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  1. Make a group
  2. Join a guild and ask for help
  3. If all else fails pay people to help you.

There’s a difference between a core group of friends and the other 20 or so people you drag along to complete 40 man raids. Trust me, I’ve seen the difference between 2005 and today. This is true for the vast majority of guilds playing ‘Classic.’

The people saying ‘for the right price’ are spot on. You basically have to bribe people.

I’m sorry. I guess I really hadn’t considered how lucky I am with the guild I’m in. You should find a new guild. Maybe its horde in general? I dunno.

All of life is a bribe, it’s just how the bribe is hidden from being too obvious. Someone needs something and you volunteer, knowing that you might need something in the future and they’ll remember when you helped them out.

You might help someone and not directly think of it being a bribe, a subtle enough bribe feels completely like just being social. But it totally is a bribe, society thrives on those exchanges.

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