Problem: new 60's can't find attunement groups

Just attuned to everything a couple weeks ago. Sounds like you need to form your own groups and offer incentives or tips to get people to join. 10g wint break the bank to buy a tank.


That’s classic. Things are not easy! Keep trying…or give up.
Literally…that’s vanilla.

That’s not true at all. Classic has been extremely easy up to this point. Levelling is much easier than it was in Vanilla. There are multiple trash-tier guilds progressing through BWL just fine. ETC. The attunement themselves are quite easy.

When the challenge is “I have to do a lot of extra tedious grunt work that most people didn’t have to do just to be able to access easy content”, then that’s a “challenge” many people will have no interest in.

They are around you just need to do some digging.

I too leveled late and found a small guild in the same boat. Fast forward a month and we are now clearing BRD every other day working on getting everyone MC and Ony attunded. We only just barely have enough 60s to start doing guild UBRS runs too.

you kinda sound like a person people in your guild low key ignore cause they dont really like you

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Kind of weird to be bashing on attunements and pseudo claiming it was the downfall of a game when we’re all flocking to a version of a game that has them.

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I’m not complaining about them. But the OP is right. People don’t want to go back and do jailbreak again after they’re attuned to ony. And in BC guilds don’t want to run Kara instead of BT because the new guy isn’t attuned. Attunements are great when stuff is new for the reasons you listed, but make catching up really hard and annoying, which discourages newer players.

When done well, attunemetns are nice. When they’re overly long and annoying they suck and make it very difficult to catch up. Theres a reason they’re not done anymore. And just because something is in classic/vanilla doesn’t make it good or “right”.

Might be server specific, but this is a complete non-issue horde side on benediction. Arguably I’d say it’s easier to get groups for test of skulls than most dungeons anymore. Also, the attune for mc is literally just doing a BRD run? You’re saying your server is so dead you can’t run BRD a single time? BWL attune means getting to the end of UBRS. So to do all of the attunements it’s: a single BRD run, a world quest chain that takes a group of 5 a couple hours, sandwiched between UBRS runs. You can do all of it in a weekend and PUG the whole thing easy. Or make even a couple friends and then it’s even easier.

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The OP was talking about the ony attunment, which is a much harder one to get.

I didn’t have an issue with it recently on my alts, but I definitely do see how it was significantly less active than it was on release. Keep in mind I play on populated servers, though.

Yeah but like I said, I see more posts LFG/M for test of skulls, which are the elite dragons kills needed for the horde Ony chain, than for most of the other max level dungeons. Having spent the last couple weeks helping guildies do it, I’d say a majority of the time we were waiting for dragons to spawn because there’s multiple groups doing it at the same time on the weekends.

Yeah the Ony attune is tedious, but finding people to do it isn’t a problem.

I haven’t got an alt to 60 yet so I have no experience with it personally, just seeing the complaints. I don’t think it would too bad right now. But the farther we get into classic the harder its gunna be. That’s why modern mmo’s have short atunements, if any at all, and catch-up mechanics. Regardless of anyone’s opinions on the matter, that’s reason they’re gone.

You should be able to find a guild willing to help members with attunement. My guild is running attunements every week to help out new players and alts.

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Depends on your server. I see multiple groups for all aspects of every attunement, every day.


It took a while which I didn’t have a problem with. I was grinding other pre BIS stuff while waiting to see a PUG in LFG.

They do though, A lot of people have alts that need their pre raid BIS. That are in those Attunement dungeons.

Also My guild discord is more active than guild chat since you know… we chat when we’re not on to organzie.

People don’t want to run jailbreak for the 15th time, is more the problem. But it is much easier to get 3 other people to go do jailbreak than ~7 other people to go do UBRS.

True, but it’s a big part of the game especially if you are playing multiple toons. MC, Ony, and BWL all have attunements and Naxx does as well. If we assume Naxx won’t be the major block it was for Vanilla players it’s a huge time investment for anyone planning to stick out Classic for a long time (assuming TBC isn’t forced).

There are other bad things about Classic like the rank grind, but you can opt out of it by not bothering with BGs and just enjoy casual WPvP or opt out entirely via PvE servers.

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That’s odd, because I have four 60s. All are attuned to for all raids. This is a social game. If that’s where you’re failing maybe you are better off elsewhere.

Problem is the raids are too easy. No feeder guilds. Need to make raids harder so the scrub (F&F) guilds can be stuck in early progression, so they can gear and attune new raiders, who can then be poached by proper guilds. That’s the Vanilla/TBC I remember.