Problem: new 60's can't find attunement groups

It’s not really about me. I’m making a general observation. I raided in 2005 and don’t have the desire to do it again. But it’s readily apparent from reading the chats. I’m sorry you think this is actually how the game was played in vanilla.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? In vanilla a far smaller proportion of the community raided. You had maybe a handful of guilds on the server who did. A far smaller proportion of the community had alts at max level. It is significantly easier this time around because nearly everyone is raiding, or is planning on raiding. It wasn’t like that in vanilla at all. Granted in vanilla new people were joining all the time, but doing an attunement was the last thing they’d be doing.

My server is full / fullish and people still do the onyxia attune, but I could see how this would be a big problem on the dead servers / medium servers, are people gonna be doing UBRS/LBRS at 5 am… ? probably not. try at 5 pm

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Yep, is friendship not just a loan/credit card too? you help someone / give them your lunch money one day, you kinda assume they now “owe you one”

Well, I do think that it’s not completely crass as everything being a transparent exchange of favors. However, there is a lot of expectation and favor-trading in any social setting.

The guild I’m in helps all the time. Raid gearing 60s still running folks through deadmines and all.

They exist, just gotta find em. Or start em.

I don’t get this at all, why avoid playing the game like that? It’s a complete waste of their time and you don’t get to enjoy those levels, you’re just following someone around as they slaughter content.

I guess this is why people demand official boosts, they just want to skip to level 60 and not enjoy lower-level content. However, so much of the game is that content and in the race to the end you miss a lot of it.

I almost wish there was no content at 60 so the game wouldn’t be so focused on raiding at the expense of everything else. It’s why people end up raid logging, they can’t conceive of anything else to do in the game except raid. The game world just becomes an inconvenience in the way of that.

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Welcome to Classic dude - 40 man raiding without individual loot creates a fairly toxic environment.

Guilds will recruit players and sit them until they need that class, then take the time to attune them. People get clique’d out and abuse new players under the guise of an experienced loot council, etc. etc.

That’s just Vanilla WoW man, people get bullied out of the game or sustain and find their own way through it.

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I think a lot of people skip the content because they’ve already experienced it enough to know what it is - they want to get to the end game because the end game is what they enjoy.

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Join a guild and they usually running attunments for guildies or they have alts. My server is full of attunment runs being spammed

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I’m just going to say that it largely depends on the realm and guild at this point. Who’s willing to do attunement runs as well as prebis runs.

This is the way.

I see a lot of attunement groups on my realm, which is not a huge server. Sometimes they’re advertised as attunement groups, but usually in our PuGs, what bosses everyone needs just gets negotiated along the way.

Some of them are alts, some of them are mains. I also frequently see guild recruitment that offers help with attunements.

Sure, some of it has been experienced over and over enough times that people are tired of it but the same can be said for raiding. How many times do you have to kill the same raid mobs over and over again before that gets old too?

Between 15 years ago and now I bet I’ve run BWL hundreds of times. At this point I can probably do it in my sleep. Obviously AW and Naxx will be less than that but I just know I’ll get in there for the first time in 15 years and within 1 run it’ll all snap back to me.

The point is, really, that all content has been done to death. It’s more a choice in what content you can stand doing over and over. People justify the raiding because it makes them feel powerful but, really, it’s even more boring than the leveling content since there is far less breadth of material to try. At least while leveling you have lots of zones and several instances to choose between each day, when raiding it’s a few a week.

But everyone enjoys the content differently and I don’t begrudge them their choices. I just wish that Blizzard had tuned it so that the lower level content isn’t so easily rushed through and can still be relevant for more than a short time while leveling.

There are attunement runs going on constantly. What are you smoking?

If there are multiple fresh 60s, there are people doing attunements.

Seriously, 57-59 is a great time to be getting to know the people leveling around you, doing the late leveling dungeons together, and rolling that social camaraderie right into doing attunements together.

Expecting the long-since level 60s to use their game time to catch you up, then yeah, they’re not going to want to do it again - they’ve already done it multiple times for themselves and the others who leveled at their pace.

Had two people in my guild get ony attunment and bwl attunment this weekend. Find a better guild I guess. There’s definitely alts and late comers looking for groups to get attuned

I just formed a BRD run the other night for my 55 Warrior and knocked out my MC attunement, and UBRS is run all the time for BW, at least in my server. Not sure if this is an issue on your server only, or if you’re blowing steam

One of my fondest memories was friends hooking me up with that random SM run.

Newsflash, people enjoy the game their way, NOT how you think they should.

And for your information, since you want to detail the topic, we have all ran deadmines to death in regular groups. A carry here or there for funsies is not hurting your game.

Enjoy the game however you want.

I just feel one of the downfalls of the game is how content is trivialized. When people avoid playing the early game it means there are less people to group with for the people who want to do that content. One naturally comes at the expense of the other.